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A/N~~~ OMG I'm so so SO sorry that I've taken this long to update this story!!!            I didn't have any inspiration and school was really busy before quarantine and I'm still being sent l o t s of work but I'm going to try and keep updating this even if the chapters end up being really short and shitty. Anyway now let's get on with the chapter~~~


Why do I have to go to school? 

It's boring.

There's assholes.

And I've already learnt most of the stuff my teachers are 'teaching' me when I was being homeschooled by my Auntie Wendy.

It's bloody useless!

But yet I still have to go because they don't trust that I'm telling the truth about my education while I was in neverland.

I look at the clock and realise that I'm gonna be late if I don't leave right now so I pick up my bag and run out the door


Y/n runs out of the door only to be stopped by the one and only Chad Charming (a.k.a. His main bully).

"Hey druggie, you been seeing anymore of your 'fairy' friends again cause i would love to meet them"

 (a/n note the sarcasm and he's meaning 2 things by 'fairy' 1. Fairies from Neverland come every once in a while to inform y/n of things which are going on in Neverland but no one believes him when he says about them 2. He's meaning it in a homophobic way because he grew up surrounded by guys)

"Fuck off Chad! I don't want to put up with your shit today"

"Aww i was being nice, no need to be rude"

Y/n scoffs at Chad, "Mhm sure you were"

"Bye Chad~" Y/n says as he winks and walks away from Chad.


"Ah lunch, finally" Y/n sighs in relief.

Lunch is his favourite time of day because he can go to his secret place to eat which luckily no one seems to know about.

As he arrives at his secret lunch spot he notices two figures who seem to be eating there already 

'Well isn't this great' He thinks sarcastically.

He goes to turn away to find a new spot to eat for today when he hears what seems to be Prince Ben's voice shouting then a female voice shouting back at him.

Y/n tries to hide as he hears footsteps angrily walking his way but fails.



"What are you doing here?"

"Erm well this is normally where I eat my lunch but then I heard voices so I was gonna go and... I should stop rambling on shouldn't I? I'm sorry"

"No it's fine Y/n, just how much of it did you hear?" 

"I only heard from when Ben started shouting, I'm sorry for being nosy but why was he shouting"

"Follow me and I'll tell you"


Mal and I are good friends and we have been since her and three over VK's came to our school last year though out of the four I'm only close to her.

We tell each other many secrets like how her eyes have started turning bright green at random times and how I've tried many times to run away from school and get back to Neverland.

We arrive at her room and she drags me inside.

"I know this sounds crazy" she says hurriedly "but I want to go back to the Isle". 

I stare at her trying to process what she just said.

"W-what happened which made you decide you want to go back to the Isle" I say shocked because she acted like she loves it here.

"Well as you obviously heard, Ben and I got into an argument because I used my spell book to help make food for us because I forgot it was Thursday today and we were supposed to be having a picnic. He had wanted me to donate the spell book into the museum but I don't want to and he got really annoyed at me so I lifted the spell off of the food then I ran away and that's when I bumped into you."

"O-oh" I say taken aback "I'm so sorry that happened to you, I think you should be able to use your spells and stuff cause if I'm allowed to use my magic then why shouldn't you be"

(I forgot to say that I can fly a lot like my father and I can shrink down to the size of a fairy and according to my mother I should have some other abilities but I don't know what they are yet because they apparently form once I'm an adult)

"Thanks Y/n, but right now I really just need to go to the Isle, I just don't belong here which all these fancy clothes and stuff" 

"Heh sometimes I feel the same way..." I say "Wait would I be able to come with you?" 

"Hmm I don't know Y/n, it's pretty dangerous over there but if you think you can handle it then of course you can come but you'll need some clothes which make you not look like you came from Auradon"

"Don't worry, I still have my clothes from Neverland so those should do." 

"Well okay then, we should go get changed! Meet me at the edge of the water in twenty minutes"Mal says.

"Okay, see you then!" I say excitedly.

For the first time in a while I'm truly happy about something, I wonder how it'll be on  the Isle of the Lost...

~My Little Fairy~ [HARRY HOOK  X  MALE READER]Where stories live. Discover now