8. yes my angel, we're going to have a baby

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Sean and Kaycee have been together for two years. Whilst the majority of that time together has been filled with nothing but love, they've both been there during each other's lowest moments. During times of self-doubt, times when they've questioned their own self-worth. But they've always had one another to get them through the hard days.

Recently the couple have been constantly arguing every day, their separate busy schedules have left them with no time to see each other. Either he's not their with a good morning kiss for her when she wakes up, or she's not cuddled into him when he wakes up. He's not their at night to trace patterns into her back to help her fall asleep, or she's not kissing him goodnight before he falls asleep holding her tightly against him. The lack of time spent together has led them to drift apart, and become the root cause of their arguing.

At ages 19 and 20, Sean and Kaycee have found themselves busier with work than most adults. The chaos that's become their lives has caused them to become tired and irritated, consequently leading to them taking out their stress on each other.

Kaycee thought she was at her breaking point , well that was until something finally decided to push her over the edge. How could one item cause so much upset, yet so much joy at the same time. She finally had the answer to her constant sickness throughout the middle of the night and into the early hours of the morning, not that Sean had noticed this at all.

She felt stupid for not realising sooner what it all meant. At first she couldn't understand how it was possible for her to be pregnant, her and Sean hadn't had sex in months, and then she remembered a night from a few weeks ago. They'd argued, badly, and then he'd taken her against the wall in their bedroom as a final action of frustration. It wasn't makeup sex, it was Sean releasing all of the stress he'd been feeling, although she wasn't complaining. He got tired of the fight and just took her there and then. So now a few weeks later Kaycee finds herself pregnant, and absolutely terrified about how to tell Sean.

She'd ran through every possible scenario in her head, from him leaving her to him being overjoyed by the news. She wasn't sure how he'd react at all. If it wasn't for the fact that their relationship was falling apart she knew that he'd been over the moon upon hearing the news.

She was terrified by the thought of being pregnant at 19. Was this about to ruin her career and everything she'd built for herself?She knew being pregnant meant she'd be out of dance for well over a year, something she wasn't sure she could give up. In her mind it all depended on his answer and reaction to the news. If he didn't want it then she was stuck. Although she'd thought about it she knew she couldn't give her baby up, she'd raise it by herself if he chose to leave, it would be difficult but she'd manage.

Telling her parents was another thing that terrified her. She couldn't be sure of their reaction either. They loved her and Sean together, but she wasn't sure that they'd love it if they had a baby together at such a young age. She knew her dad would be disappointed even if he tried to hide it, that's one reaction she could place a bet on.

She knew she had to tell Sean now before the secret consumed her more than it already had.

The front door to their apartment slammed shut signaling Sean was home.
Great he's in a bad mood
Nervously she walked over to the kitchen to greet him.
You have to do it now, get it over with
"Can we um... can we talk Sean?"
He slammed the refrigerator door closed, making her jump.
"Not now Kayc?"
Maybe I'll try again tomorrow when he's in a better mood, oh who am I kidding we're both always in bad moods
"It's serious though"
"Breaking up with me?" He spoke so smoothly that it rolled off his tongue, like the words had no meaning to them or to him
"No" she replied in the same smooth tone.
"Cool" he said moving over to the small living room.

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