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the house in ohio was nice. you hadn't told tyler you moved here yet. you figured you could surprise him one day when he got back from tour. you didn't exactly know when that was, though. you'd have to ask him.

it'd been a few weeks since you moved here, and a peaceful few weeks since the ocean had called you and the other sirens for a sinking. however, that ended today. when you heard her voice calling you from afar, you knew it was time.

but there were no oceans in ohio. that never really crossed your mind until now, when you realized you and the other girls would have to go and drive to the nearest coast. you probably should've considered this beforehand, but your decision to come here was impulsive. tyler was here. that seemed to be the only thing that mattered to you.

the drive was in fact long, but you and the other girls had managed to make it there. you rushed into the ocean, feeling her warm embrace around your body.

what took you all so long? and why haven't i seen you in weeks?

you and the other girls looked at each other, wondering if you should mention that you moved to a place far away from here. you shook your head no. the ocean would definitely be suspicious, and you didn't want her to question you.

we haven't done it on purpose, you answered. we've just been really busy lately.

but we're ready to sing now, pandora added in.

and with that, you were pulled farther in the water, the waves taking you quickly to wherever this next sinking would be. these were never easy, no matter how many times you and the other girls had done them. but you had no choice, the ocean needed to be fed, and you could be punished if you didn't participate.

when you finally arrived, you weren't exactly sure where you were. you could've been back near the coast of florida, for all you knew. with the ocean's waves and your strong tail, you could go a long distance.

the boat wasn't huge like a cruise ship, but it wasn't exactly small either. there was probably a party going on in it with a bunch of friends and family. you took a deep breath before you and the sirens began to sing the familiar tune.

when the people on the ship began to realize they were sinking, they started freaking out, frantically running around to warn others and search for help. just like every other time, you had to hold it together, urging yourself to keep going. not a moment went by where you didn't want to put an end to this tragedy.

but something caught your eye, something all too familiar. you had to do a double take, because you weren't sure if your eyes were deceiving you or not. right near the edge of the boat was tyler. you squinted, trying your best to get a closer look. brown hair, slender figure. it looked just like him. and next to him you saw another boy, one who you'd never seen before. but when you noticed the golden retriever by his side, you knew it was him.

your heart began to beat out of your chest, you didn't know what to do. you couldn't allow this to happen to tyler, you'd never forgive yourself. mid song, your voice cracked, and finally you stopped all together. you kept your mouth shut, tears streaming down your now red cheeks.

ashley looked towards you, furrowing her eyebrows. she stopped singing too. "what's going on? are you alright?" she asked in a panic.

"no," you managed to choke out. "please don't sing. tell them to stop," you begged shutting your eyes tightly together. you didn't even want to watch. "please, stop!"

ashley turned to the other girls, tapping on their shoulders as she nudged her head towards you. you slightly opened one eye, just to see if tyler was still okay. the ship was only sinking lower and lower on the left side, the side where tyler was desperately looking for help.

siren// tyler josephWhere stories live. Discover now