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I stared straight at Indya for a good second and gulped then I looked over and noticed Bass asked the question

I came up with a quick lie and said "I was skateboarding and fell"

I heard coolie say "I didn't know you could skate

"Well obviously not if I'm wearing a cast" I said

"U right , u right" he said

I sat down in a seat in the middle of bass and rawhool

"So reńee right ?" Rawhool asks

"Yes sir " I said

"U smoke ?" He asks

"Mmmhm nah"

"She's 16 ool " Coolie said

"So I'm 17 and I was smoking way before that and trunks the same age as her smoking " ool said

"Well she ain't about to start now and put that shit out Yall not abt to be smoking around her" coolie said

"Okay I'll smoke later but quit tryna act like people's daddy round here "ool said getting out of his seat and walking away

"I'm yo daddy nigga" coolie said pushing him

"Ewwww" ool said laughing and walking outside with coolie

"over protective ass nigga ?" I said since everybody went outside to smoke

"Facts " he said laughing as He pulled henny out of a grocery bag

"Uhhhh now u a abt drink in front of me and shit"

"Here taste some " bass said

"Really ... are you sure ?"

"Yea" he said pouring me some in a cup

"Woah that's enough" I said as he kept pouring but stopped

"Don't tell my cousin bout this" I said

"Girl she don't care she be doing this shit all the time I'm sure she doing it out there with them rn " he said as he got a text from my cousin saying to keep me occupied

"See told you she be doing the same shit " he said reassuring me

"What about Cookie ? "

"Who ? " he asks

"Oh I mean coolie sorry that's what I call him "

"Oh yea we ain't gon tell him alright ? "

"Like you said over protective ass nigga I mean you shoulda heard the shit he was saying earlier to us "

" Yea .... Wait what"

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