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(Not edited)
Instagram: mama_adam._.draws

Storm's POV

It was a Sunday morning. The streets of Magnolia were filled with silence, only the occasional barking from stray dogs filled the streets. The sun was beating down in the cool winter day, making the snow and ice filled roads shimmer and sparkle like tinny crystals.

At the moment I was walking down the streets with Igneel, Uncle Natsu, and Auntie Lucy to Ryan and Nashi's apartment to take get her to come home to the Dragneel household. None of say anything as we trekked along the way, all of us being deep in our own thoughts.

"Will she be willing to go back? If she is will he be letting her go that easily? Or will he put up a fight?" I thought. There were many results this could end in. And we could only hope for the best one which was him letting her go and she came with us. But we don't know how willing he's going to just let her leave.

Before I knew it, we were standing at the gate to the apartment complex. Lucy types in the code to open the gate, and in we went. Lucy seemed to know exactly where the apartment was so we had her lead the way. Soon enough we were standing outside their door, each over us in our own thoughts, bracing ourselves for what was to come.

"Alright, lets do this." Natsu spoke before giving a firm knock on the door. I flinched at the sound. Not because of how aggressive the knock sounded, but because of the unknown outcome.

The unknown was picking at me, scratching and tearing at my inner thoughts as I tried to unfold the best outcome of this all.

And before I knew it, there were foot steps leading to the door. Only, they were uneven. One foot heavier that the other, almost as if they were hopping. Stumbling and crashing was a clear sign the person was either half asleep, or drunk.

"Oh no. Oh god. Well, there's no going back now." I thought in a half panic trying to keep my cool.

The closer the sound of the uneven steps got, the more sick i felt to my stomach, dreading my choice to come here. What was going to happen? How was this going to play out? Will he let her go? Will he put of a fight? Will she put up a fight?

The steps stopped. The door lock let out a 'click' sound as it's unlocked, and the door opened to reveal.............

"...........oh my mavis.........Ryan.....?" Igneel spoke in a soft tone. Lucy covered her mouth and eyes widened in horror. Natsu's eyes went wide and I had to look away. I don't think I can handle seeing an old friend like this even if he was an asshole.

Ryan just looked up at us all with a defeated look. I have to say...........he looked like shit.

His eyes were bloodshot red, his nose was pink and a little runny, his hair was a greasy mess, he had dark bags under his eyes like he hadn't had proper sleep in weeks, his skin a sickly pale.

He was pretty beat up too. A bruise at the outer corner of his left eye, his bottom lip was busted and looked like had been glued shut, a large gash in his forehead, his right ear had been ripped, his left leg was twisted in an awkward position causing him to have to lean on the door frame for support. In all honesty the poor guy looked like he'd been jumped.

"What the hell happened to you? Why do I smell blood all throughout the apartment? Where's my daughter?!" Natsu demanded, voice rising in a defensive tone. Ryan stood his ground. Tears pricked at the rim of his eyes.

"Listen you have to get out o-"

"No! Let us in now, where's my sister?!"

Igneel has a look of pissed off and terrified mixed into one emotion.

"Listen to me damnit?!" Ryan snapped. The four of us were taken aback.

"You have to get the hell out of here before they find you four here! I don't know where Nashi is, but all I know is that she's safe........for now at least. Look, I found a note..............she left.......and for a good reason. It's for the best she be gone, don't go looking for her. She'll come back on her own time. And besides, it would just give them an advantage with you guys looking for her." He said in a hurry keeping an eye on his surroundings, listening closely as if to make sure no one was listening. He was paranoid.

"Who do you mean by them?" I asked. Somethings was very wrong it.

It's obvious now, at least to me, that Ryan has been tortured. I had now gotten a closer, better look at him. The hand holding onto the door frame to keep him up.....empty nail beds. His nails had been ripped out, all of them.

"I can't tell you. Just get out, go! Leave!"

And with that the door was slammed in our faces. The four of us stood there in silence. This entire interaction Lucy hadn't said a word. She was observing him, seeing if he was lying or not.

The three of us look to her, silently asking her if what he said was true at all. She was crying.

"He's telling the truth."

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