stay away from her, parker.

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*Archie's POV*

Before I could close my eyes to sleep, my phone started vibrating uncontrollably. They were all texts from the group chat between Kevin, Betty, Veronica and I.

K: Guys... Betty is in the hospital
V: what? what happened????
K: She got into a car crash
A: Was she alone?
V: omg wait wasn't she with that peter parker guy
K: Yeah
A: Shit I'm gonna make my way over there right now
K: I'll meet you there
V: can you pick me up on your way kevin? i need to be there for my B
K: Ofc!!
A: Leaving rn, see you guys later
I barge into the hospital, feeling my heart beat faster than ever. After hearing Betty's room number from the nurse in front, I dash off quicker than a lightning strike. My eyes couldn't take the sight of her laying in the hospital bed. I broke down to my knees by her side. Her parents and our friends were around me, but I channeled them out.

My vision could only focus on Betty's injured face. She had bandages wrapped around her head, with a brace holding her neck. I wish I could take all her pain away. I can't imagine how she'll feel when she wakes up.

"Archie?" Veronica's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"What did the doctor say about Betty's condition right now?" I ask frantically.

Mrs. Cooper sighs, "They say she'll need physical therapy after this. She was lucky to even come out alive."

Kevin added, "That Peter Parker guy is in better condition though. I heard he's just getting stitches."

I furrowed my eyebrows in disbelief. I scoffed, "He's the one in better condition? Wasn't he the driver? God, what an ass. I can't believe he put Betty in danger like that."

"Speaking of Peter, what room is he in?"

"He's just next door I think," Veronica replied.

I quickly arose from my seat to rush next door. I was ready to give Peter Parker a piece of my mind. Luckily, he was alone when I came in. My blood boiled even more by seeing him in person. Peter didn't look injured at all.

This bastard was happily eating his hospital food while watching TV. I cleared my throat to alert him of my presence. Peter turned around to look at me. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a car.

"Um who are you?" He mumbled while chewing on his brownie.

"Oh god, and you talk with your mouth open! You're definitely not good enough for Betty," I scowled in disgust.

"Okay dude, you need to calm down. I know it was my fault alright? I'm really sorry. I don't know who you are to Betty but-,"

I glared intensely at him. "I'm Archie Andrews. Her best friend. I care about her a lot. And I hate seeing her get hurt. So you need to stay away from her after this, got it? I get bad vibes from you, Parker."

Peter stammered, "I didn't mean to hurt her, Archie. I care for her too."

I snapped back, "And you're never going to get the chance to hurt her again. So stay the hell away."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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