In the Middle of the Night - Namjoon

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"Y/n, Y/n," a voice whispered, rousing me from my peaceful sleep.

"I swear Joonie, if you're waking me up because of something stupid, I will not think twice about throwing my slipper at you," I grumpily growled.

I hated it when anybody woke me up from sleep. I saw him pouting cutely, and it melted my heart.

"You love sleep more than me," he said in a small voice, trying to sound hurt.

I giggled, "Bold of you to assume you know how much I love you."

Smiling warmly at me, he pulled me by the hand and got me out of bed. He was going to drag me out of the room when I stopped him.

"Namjoon, where are you taking me?"

"Out," he replied simply.

"Out where? It's past midnight," I tried the rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Just to the garden," he smiled, his dimples on full display.

I let him drag me out. My breath caught when I saw a blanket laid out on the grass, lights out, just a tiny lantern that Joon treasured was lit. The sky was cloudless, no moon hung down the dark spread. He made me sit.

"What's all of this for?"

"You'll see, honey bun."

Mischief and mystery danced in his obsidian orbs, matching the stars, that twinkled as if they knew his secrets. He looked at his watch and sighed, a gentle smile tugged at his lips. I looked away and swallowed, feeling a blush creep up to my cheeks. There was a small basket, I noticed. Pointing at it, I looked at him quizzically. He brought out limp cheese potato sandwiches. He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Um, I hope they taste fine. I made them," he said shyly.

His head bowed down like the shy little fox that he is, just like Taehyung had said. I ruffled his soft rose gold locks affectionately, chuckling at him. He always seemed to melt my heart. He then brought out a bottle of wine, and glasses. He never seized to amaze me. Handing me a glass, he raised his to clink against mine.

"To us," his voice rumbled.

"To us."

He sipped the gold liquid, eyes never leaving me. I stared back at him, although the heat on my cheeks only increased. His hand came up to my forehead, and he traced down the side of my face painfully slowly. His finger rested on my lips.

Namjoon's POV

I was so mesmerized by her beauty. The night breeze entangled her brown hair which was tied at the nape of her sleek neck, stray strands tickled her skin. Speaking of her skin, it glowed, brighter than any fire. The gold of lantern blended with the gold of her skin in a rich honey caramel. Her russet eyes looked at me intently as I drew the outline of her face. My fingers paused at her lips. I wondered how would she react if I kissed her. My heart fluttered violently as I leaned in, like a bird trapped in its cage. We had never kissed, and I wanted to wait. But this seemed like a momentous occasion. I watched as she closed her eyes in a way of acceptance. But I stopped when her breath fanned my lips. A sudden movement in the sky caught my attention.

"Y/n, look," I whispered.

She opened her eyes and faced away. Her lips parted and eyes glistened, hand flying to her neck, a habit I noticed she had when she was pleasantly surprised. Stars raced across the sky, one by one, leaving streaks as evidence of their momentary existence.

"A meteor shower," she gasped, a smile painted on her face that birthed new emotions in me.

She looked at me, still in wonder, and back at the sky.

"Make a wish, Joon."

She closed her eyes, hands clasped in front of her heart as she made a wish. But I didn't need to make one. Everything I had asked for, I was given. A loving family, six brothers who I couldn't live without, a girl who loved me for who I truly was. Instead, I tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear, which made her look at me. I leaned in again, asking her for permission with my eyes. She got the message. She smiled so softly and shut her eyes again. But this time, she leaned in too. Our lips met in the gentlest of touches, as if we touched any more one of us would break like glass, like a dream. We pulled apart, my head giddy with happiness. I quickly pulled her to me, trapping her in my arms.

"Can you feel what you're doing to my heart?" I asked her softly.

"Just what you do to mine," she answered.

I could feel her breath through the thin fabric of my t-shirt. And somehow, it warmed my whole body. And yet, a shiver ran down my spine. She had a strange effect on me. We lay down on the blanket, and I let her use my arm as a pillow. We both stared at the streaks of light, a moment of silence reigned over as my thundering heartbeat began to calm down.

"Joonie, do you ever think about what our lives would have been if we hadn't met a year ago?" her calm voice asked a question I didn't want to think about.

"As much as I hated to do it, I did give it a thought. And I realized I could have been a lot of things. Happy could have been one of them."

I paused, composing my thoughts and wording myself carefully.

"But, I know, I know with certitude that I wouldn't have been this happy, this satisfied with my life without you. My brothers, they made me who I am. And you, you make me want to be better."

She looked up at me, eyes full of love and admiration. She pressed a soft kiss on my jawline and returned to where she was. I knew what that meant. She couldn't formulate what she wanted to say. But that kiss, it conveyed everything. I pulled her closer, if that was even possible, as if trying to merge her into me, make her physically a part of me. We remained in each other's arms, nothing more needed to be said. Our hearts beat in sync. We both had everything we needed at that moment, and the summer breeze lulled us both to sleep.


Hey! Let me know your thoughts in the comment section! I'll see you in the next chapter!

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