By The Sea - Taehyung

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After her photoshoot, Y/n came back home fairly tired. A model's life was hard. She lay sprawled on the sofa, waiting for her boyfriend. She scrolled through her Instagram, keeping up with her friends, watching videos of BTS. They were such crackheads, it was hard to understand what went through their minds, but she loved them to bits. A few minutes later, the front door opened to reveal Taehyung. She grinned and greeted him with a big hug. He dropped the bag he was holding and held her back tightly.

"How was your shoot, honey bun?" He asked, looking deeply into his girl's eyes.

"It was nice! Hyungsik was very warm and it was lovely to work with him!" She said excitedly, drawing patterns on his shoulder, "I got something for you."

She walked to the sofa where the bag lay. Taehyung followed her to the sitting area.

"But you didn't have to," he said.

"I wanted to," she insisted, handing the BVLGARI bag to him.

He took out the perfume and inhaled the fragrance. He smiled, he liked it. He handed the Gucci bag he had brought to her. She looked at him quizzically.

"I'm taking you out. We leave at 8."

Y/n glanced at the clock, she had two hours in hand. She went into her room and locked the door.

Y/n twirled in front of the full length mirror once. Satisfied with her look, she sighed and left the room. She was done well before time. She found Taehyung waiting for her on the sofa. He looked breathtaking in a plain black shirt, with formal pants, and Gucci oxfords. He was talking to someone on the phone. But when he caught Y/n in the corner of his eyes, he momentarily froze. His lips parted as his eyes widened.

"I'll call you back later," he quickly mumbled.

He slowly approached her, examining her like a painting of Van Gogh. Y/n blushed a deep red, but didn't look away. They stared at each other, lost in their own heads, each wondering whether they really deserved the other. Taehyung cleared his throat to regain his composure. Y/n just shook herself inwardly.

" look beautiful," he said, a rosy tint painted across his cheeks.

"You don't look too bad yourself," Y/n replied, making the boy blush harder.

"We should get going."

They both went out, locking the door behind. Taehyung opened the car door for her, like the gentleman he is. She smiled at him sincerely, murmuring a soft "thank you". The long car ride began quietly. But after a few moments, words filled the air.

"So, where exactly are we going?" Y/n asked, looking towards him.

He looked so ethereal. The light of the road lit up his face, giving his soft tan skin a dewy glow. His eyelashes brushed against his cheeks lightly, like the light strokes of a paintbrush on a canvas. His beautiful eyes had a hint of mischief, as his face stretched out into that angelic smile she loved and she wanted nothing more than to feel the softness of his lips on her own.

"You'll see. You'll love it, I'm sure of it," he said mysteriously.

"Tae, you know I hate surprises!" She whined, looking away to hide her furious blush.

"I know you well enough to know that you secretly love them."

She looked down, she'd been caught.

"Aww, is my honey girl blushing?" He teased, looking her way.

"Look ahead," she mumbled.

A rumbling laughter tumbled down his lips, a sound she had come to treasure more than the diamonds he'd showered her with against her will.

The busy streets they took lead to the quiet and scenic ocean. Taehyung parked his car, and got out of it, but before he could open the door for Y/n, she walked out, looking around in wonder. Her eyes landed on him, two stars that lit her inky eyes. He approached her, more by habit than by will, and held her hand.

"Come with me."

He led her to a resort, the interior was dimly lit with lights. He spoke at the desk and brought a set of keys. The man smiled at Taehyung with warmth. He led Y/n to a room, his actions confused her. The emotion only grew as he led her to the door that opened to the beach. 

"Tae, I don't think we're allowed-"

But her words stuck in her throat and she was cut off by her own gasp. There was a table out on the beach, a few feet away from the room. It was lit by fairy lights wrapped around a vase of roses that was set on it, plates lay upturned, waiting. Taehyung left her hand, only to pull out the chair for her to settle down. She did. He sat down opposite to her.

"Dinner will be served shortly," he said.

A few moments later, it did arrive. They enjoyed their meal together, their conversation punctuated with laughter. When they were done, they sat for a while. But then something caught Y/n's attention. She looked towards the sea and stared, her lips slightly apart in awe. The sea was glowing blue, it was the night when bioluminescent phytoplankton came to the shore. Taehyung grabbed her hand, grinning, and dragged her still frozen body close to the water. They both gazed at it for a good few minutes. Then Y/n turned to Tae. His gray hair shone more silver in the watery moonlight. The sea breeze gently wove through it, as his eyes took in the vast expanse of the sea. The blue glow made him look blue too, but he still looked beautiful. He looked more unreal than he usually did, if she was being honest. The waters seemed quiet, almost as if they were waiting for something.

Taehyung's eyes caught Y/n staring at him. He faced her, drinking in the beauty before him. Half of her face glowed while the other was shadowed, like the moon in its phase. He admired the softness of her features, her stubborn little strands of hair that had escaped their bind, and were  caressing her forehead.

"Tae," She said his name so beautifully, it almost sounded like a prayer, "Thank you for this. It's beautiful."

Her smile overshadowed the moon, the orb that was their source of light.

"I love you," he whispered, the words rolling off his tongue smoothly, the words engraved in his heart forever.

"I love you too," she whispered back.

She closed her eyes and leaned in. Anticipating her movements, Taehyung closed his eyes too. But Y/n left the space of an inch in between them, their breaths mingling. She opened her eyes to see his closed. She grinned devilishly, placed a quick kiss on his nose, and ran away. Tae stood there, wide-eyed. The night air reverberated with her laughter.


He chased the girl around. When she was finally caught, he wrapped his arms around her waist. And this time, he didn't give her the chance to trick him. He kissed her sweetly, and then brushed his lips against her forehead. And the couple stood in the sand, while their shadows merged into one.


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