The Very First Time - Seokjin

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Setting up a tent was hard work, but Jin and Y/n made a perfect team, and the makeshift room was up in little time.

"What can I say, Worldwide Handsome and Worldwide Beautiful make the best couple that ever graced the Earth," Jin playfully boasted.

"I mean, obviously. The others could never," Y/n replied, exaggeratedly flipping her hair.

They sat down by the bonfire and warmed themselves up. The boy brought out his secret stash of snacks, that he had tucked away in his duffel bag, which mainly consisted of marshmallows. He turned to Y/n to see her reaction. She peered at the pack in his hand intently, as if she was imagining its taste on her tongue.

"You've never eaten these, have you?" Jin guessed.

Y/n shook her head, "But, I've always wanted to."

He tore open the pack in his hand, shoved some marshmallows on a stick, and let them burn by the fire. The cold evening breeze of Fall made Jin shiver slightly, which did not go unnoticed by Y/n. She sighed and glared at the boy, who sheepishly smiled back at her. She made a burrito out of her boyfriend with the blanket she had brought along with her.

"You should know better than to fall ill! How will Bangtan function without you? Sejin-ssi will be unhappy, thinking you are irresponsible with me, and I distract-"

The girl was cut off by plump lips lovingly pressed against hers.

"Stop worrying! If I get sick, aren't you here to take care of me and be my remedy?"

Y/n narrowed her eyes at the now-pouting Jin, then nodded her head vigorously. She then pulled out the cooked-looking marshmallows.

"They done?" She asked, carefully examining the skewer.

Jin, in turn, pointed at his open mouth. Y/n took one soft candy and was about to put it in his mouth, but the piece slipped out her butterfingers and fell on his t-shirt. They both looked at each other.

"Sorry," she squeaked out.

And Jin just laughed out heartily.

"It reminds me of when we met for the very first time."


Jin walked into the café with unhurried steps. A coffee was just what he needed to feel at ease on this chilly Spring day. Just as he was about to push open the door, it swung open and someone crashed into him. A hot liquid seeped through his t-shirt and burned his stomach.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was going!" A female voice kept rambling.

Jin's eyes then finally met the one who threw him down. She was a young girl dressed in a dusty rose coat, a white button-up shirt, her brown locks hung down as she stretched her hand out to help him up. Her face held an apologetic and worried look. Then it morphed into shock.

"Kim Seokjin?" She gasped.

Jin took her hand, more in politeness than in need, and winced at the stinging sensation on his stomach.

"I'm really sorry. Are you alright? I wasn't really-"

"I'm fine," Jin interrupted her bowing and apologies, "Really."

The girl hesitantly looked up.

"I'm sorry for ruining your clothes," she said nervously, fidgeting in her spot, "Allow me to replace them."

'Interesting,' the boy thought.

"Can you buy me a coffee instead?" He asked.

The girl's face lit up.

"Of course!"

She held the door open for him. They went to the cashier and Jin gave his order. She paid for it, and the two found themselves a booth to sit in.

"You seem to know me, but I don't know you," Jin said curiously.

"Ah, where are my manners?" The unknown girl chuckled, "I'm Y/n. Lovely to meet you, even thought was not in the best of circumstances."

Jin shook her hand, brows knitting together.

"Y/n," he repeated, "Aren't you that famous dancer who's performing tomorrow evening at the Seoul Arts Center?"

Y/n grinned widely at that, "Yes. Wow! Not in my wildest dream did I ever think that the Kim Seokjin, Worldwide Handsome, would know me. I'm honored."

Jin's ears were red, he was flattered, yet flustered.

"It's not a big deal."

"It is! I actually perform to your songs sometimes. You could say...I'm a fan."

Jin chuckled softly at that. They spent about an hour talking, and they got to know each other better. When Jin checked the time, his eyes widened.

"Oh God! I was supposed to go back half an hour ago!"

He got up quickly.

"I'm so glad I met you today, but I really have to go."

Y/n smiled widely, "See you again maybe!"

Jin rushed out, leaving the girl at the café.

The crowded hall made Jin aware of the evening performers' fame. He sat down in his seat and waited for the show to begin. One by one several dancers performed different styles. But none of the faces looked familiar to him. Then, there came a dancer who did look familiar to him. She was doing a duet with another girl. She moved like the wind passing through leaves and Jin's enchanted eyes followed her every move. She was beautiful, she was graceful. Her eyes met him once, but she didn't let her composure and character slip, and Jin admired that. He went backstage after her performance, which happened to be the one closing the night, as she was the best and most famous dancer of the group.

"Seokjin-ssi!" A voice called from ahead.

A figure walked out from the crowd of crew members and performers.

"Y/n! Oh my God, you did amazing! I could only stare!" Jin praised.

She bowed politely, shyly thanking the boy.

"I'm glad you came and liked the performance."

Jin's respect for the girl only grew.

"I'd like to spend more time with you. Since this is the last leg of your world tour, why don't you stay here a while?"

The girl grinned, "I'd love to."


Y/n laughed out loudly as Jin recounted the way they met.

"And look where we are today," Jin was saying.

"By each other's side. It's honestly the best place I've ever been to. Can I stay?" The girl cheesily asked.

Jin wrapped his arms around her, and the blanket along with them.

"For as long as you want."

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