Chapter 11: Unicobicorn

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When I wake up I am woken to the light glaring down right onto my face. Turning over didn't help because right after Kelly comes busting through the door screaming.

"MARCO GET UP!!!!!" Kelly yells at me pulling the covers away.

"Mmph whyyy?" I say groaning in annoyance.

She looking for her words while pointing outside finally says. "THE FREAKING UNICOBICORN IS OUTSIDE!!!" My eyes jolt open and I spring to life as I jump to the window to look for it and sure enough there it was drinking from the waterfall. "Come ooooooon we gotta catch this thing!!" She says energetically.

I hurry to put on my clothes and once they are on I get my game face ready. "Alright Kelly, the Unicobicorn is a fast runner but not a high jumper and since it's at the pit of the water fall we need to block off it's exits with some kind of high placed barriers. Any ideas?"

She places her hand on her chin before getting an idea. "Stay her I'm gonna go get something from my dimension!" She whisper yells. She slices up a portal and jumps through leaving me to watch the Unicobicorn.

"Today's the day you munyack." I need to stop hanging with the pixies.

After a few hours Kelly finally comes back. "Woah you look tired." She says to me and my half asleep self.

"I've been here for eight hours watching this thing and it's just been sitting there by the waterfall doing nothing but sleep." I say yawning.

"Wow that sucks, wait eight hours? I was gone from less than a second I went in and grabbed some rope and super glue."

"The time difference remember. Wait super glue? What do you have planned?" She grins and simply tells me to 'follow her lead.' She jumps out the window landing just out of view from the mythical beast. Before I can follow she holds her hand up for me to stop and she uses her hair to create barriers around our base high enough so it can't leave. Luckily she went with a french braid this morning so it can't jump through. The moment it notices it freaks and begins to run around looking for a way out.

"MARCO HERE!" She yells throwing ne the rope and glue. "COVER THE ROPE IN GLUE AND TRAP THE UNICOBICORN!"

Of course that's genius! I spray as much glue as possible over the ropes. While the Unicobicorn is distracted I run around the area it is in and wrap the ropes up so when it runs it gets stuck in the glue and I can tie it up. Once done I jump in the ring I've made and start to chase it so it runs into the ropes.

"Marco can you hurry I've never had today stretch my hair this far before!" She said with sounds if desperation in her voice.

"I'm trying my hardest Kells!" And I was but this damned beast keeps eluding me when I get close. Eventually I get an idea, "Kelly hold out for a little longer I have a plan!" I take a few rocks and while chasing it throw them furiously at it's feet hoping to trip. If it works I can tackle it and wrap it in the ropes. Luckily I managed to hit it's hind legs causing it to fall down and with the split second opening jump ontop of it. "YES!" I yell out. I reach for the rope but Kelly stops me.

"Wait Marco don't use the rope!" She let's down her hair face sweating, looking exhausted. "I'll wrap it with my hair." And so she does. Lengthening her hair enough to wrap the beast she lifts it and carries it back to the house.

"OH MY GOD YESS! I can't believe we finally caught it!" I say happy as ever. "We can finally go home. Haaaah it's been nice, how about you Kelly you ready?" But she doesn't look happy she looks disappointed. "Kelly?"

With a forced smile she answers. "Of course I'm happy I've missed my...bed..." That was all she said before wrapping the now clean rope around the Unicobicorn's neck as a leash. "Just well....nevermind... I'm taking a nap I'm exhausted after that." She lays down and as I was about to ask her what's wrong, I see a portal open outside. I walk out to see who it could be. It's not fiery so not Heckapoo, not pink and purple so not stars and it's blue so it can't be queen Moon. Just as I was about to look in out floats.... Glossaryk?

"Hello Marco. Have time for a chat?"


Sigh Marco has been gone only a few minutes and I'm already missing him. Who would've thought I'd end up liking a human so much hehe. My the al power Ex member of the high commission in love and the future baby momma of a human. I can only imagine the amount of disappointment Glossaryk had when he found out... Nonetheless I need to do this carefully...I can't risk this 'prophecy' being true. I hope Marco can forgive me for what I am planning to do...


"SHE'S PLANNING TO DO WHAT!" I yell but not loud enough for Kelly to be concerned about. "And how do you know this?" I ask hinting to my doubt.

"How else would I, she told the commission and I herself." He says with an emotionless face. "I simply came to talk to you wondering if you knew. I'd say from your reaction you didn't." He shrugs and turns around to go back in the portal.

"Hold on a second Glossaryk. Why would she do that?" He looks over his shoulder and mutters one word before leaving.


I stand there in shock. How could she? We don't even know yet and she still... She went behind my back... I walk into the hideout and see Kelly asleep on the bed and the Unicobicorn lying down on the floor looking helpless. I walk over to it and  until the rope on its neck. "You can leave, we won't be needing you anymore." I rub it's head and back as it stand up. "I'm sorry to have put you through this chase for two years. Goodbye." I open the front door and back away so it can leave. But it doesn't, it stands there looking at me. "Go on leave. We don't need you anymore." I begin to think about Heckapoo and the secret she is keeping from me and it causes me to tear up. When the Unicobicorn noticed this it walks up to me and licks my face, where the tears are. "Can't you understand me? Get out go away you aren't needed anymore!" I stomp my foot and try to push it out but it just continues to lick my face before it lies back down. I fall to my knees and begin to silently sob now knowing what she has been hiding from me. The Unicobicorn places it's hear in my lap and looks up to me before closing it's eyes. "Heh sniff I guess you're staying after all. I'll call you Uni." I lie down beside Uni and drift off to sleep with my silent sobs.

Uni = oo-n-ee

When I wake up the next morning I am greeted to Uni licking my face and Kelly laughing.

"Mmf Uni stop it." I say gently pushing his face away. He nays and gets up walking to the kitchen area.

"Uni?" Kelly asks.

"Last night we had a very brief heart to heart. I decided to let him go but he wanted to stay and I named him Uni."

"Aww that's sweet I guess you'll be keeping him as a pet instead of a prize for Heckapoo then?" I freeze at the mention of her name. She must've notices because she asks about it. "Umm you okay? You tensed up a bit there?" I slowly look up at here and think about what to do. "Marco?"

I get up and walk over to her and grab her by her waist pulling her to me. Her breathe felt on my cheeks and heart beating through her chest.

"Wh-what a-are y-you do-doing?" She says clearly nervous.

"I just had a rough night is you want me to stop?" She slowly shakes her head no. "Didn't think so..." I lean in kissing her. For a moment she is shocked and does nothing but after three seconds starts to kiss back. We kiss for what seems like forever before I brush my tongue on her lips asking for entrance. She opens her mouth entering ourselves in a fight between our tongues. For a brief moment we pull apart and we look into each other's eyes. "Kelly..."

"Marco..." even though we just got out of bed it didn't take long before we got right back into bed for some fun.

Afterwards Uni comes back in and nays rushing to me rubbing his head on me.

"Guess your hungry huh? Hehe alright come on let's get you something."

"Marco....why did you....why did you do that?" She asks me blushing but confused.

"Because...... because I wanted to."

"But just yesterday you-."

"Yesterday it mattered. Now it doesn't." With that I pull her into another kiss, this one shorter before pulling away and taking Uni to get some food.

Now what do these things eat?

Time difference. Marco x Heckapoo [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now