Good Things Eventually End

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There was a friend of mine that I called Mongolian Boy. It wasn't because he was Mongolian. It was because another friend had read his name as Mongolian. I thought it was so funny I changed his contact name into Mongolian.

And guess what? I had a crush on him too. Maybe.

I honestly think he was just cute. I don't even think it was an actual crush. I think now that I look back at it. I only said I liked him to get over the other guy. Remember the other guy from indirect rejection? Yeah.

But, I mean I did actually talk to Mongolian boy. And every time I did talk to him I would forget about the other guy. I liked that feeling.

The other guy was always on my mind and it made me restless. However, I guess I can say I've committed a crime.

I feel like I've used Mongolian boy to get rid of my feelings. Like I've turned him into my rebound without even knowing.

Doesn't it seem like he is my rebound? I mean he makes me happy and he makes me forget about the other guy. And we share memes with one another. We LOVE marvel films. And we both enjoy being friends with one another. But at the end of the day my mind goes back to the other guy because Mongolian Boy doesn't text back. See? Rebound.

I use to think that just because we shared common interested that we'd be the perfect match. I mean he downloaded Roblox to play with me and our classmates. And he only added me as a friend. I think he was just closer to me than our classmates. But, who wouldn't think they like you after having all these interests and doing all these things with you?

We went on a school field trip and we spent the whole time together. I was buying a Stray Kids album from a Kpop store and he waited for me while everyone else went outside. My friend looked at him and asked him, "You're okay with her liking these men?" and then left.

I was so embarrassed but, I ignored it. I was so happy on that day though. I got to talk to Mongolian boy. And I talked to him way more than usual. It was great. It was amazing. I was happy and grateful.

On the way back from the trip we sat next to each other on the bus. At that time, I tired to flirt with him.

I'd do this thing where I pretend to be cold and I'll rub my hands together. Then I'll act shocked that my hands are warm and I'll turn to him. I held my hand up to him and asked him to touch my hand to 'feel' how warm it is.

He didn't hold my hand, but he put his hand against mine for just a second then pulled back. "It is warm" .

"Yours are cold" his hands were cold. And they were big. But, maybe thats because my hands were smaller than the average size. His hands were soft though. And I felt like I was floating.

I started to like Mongolian boy even more. One of my favorite memories with him is when he started to doze off on the bus, but he didn't want to sleep. This was still on the same field trip we went on together. It was late at night and everyone on the coach bus was playing truth or dare.

Although, he wasn't playing with us. He watched us played. And he was an angel. These dares were disgusting. They were horrifying. It were the kind of dares that made you cringe even when you weren't playing. A lot of licking was involved. It was lick armpit, lick shoe, lick floor, and so on. Who would want to sleep knowing people were daring other people to lick another person?

"Do you trust us?" I teased him. I felt bad that he couldn't sleep because he was scared someone might do something to him. He looked exhausted and he had a hard tome trying to stay awake.

"No, I mean, I trust you. Just not them" he chuckled. Shaking his head while small wrinkles form at the corner of his eyes. He has such a cute smile. What the fuck. His teeth would show just a little bit and his eyes were curved like a crescent. God, he looked so tired. I noticed at the corner of his lips he had these cute little wrinkles outlining his smile just like his eyes. I could only see his side profile, but it was enough to make me fall. That is so clique.

"Just sleep. I'll protect you."

But all good things will eventually end.

"Would you go to prom with me?

"I'm really sorry. You're an awesome friend, but I don't really like you like that."

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