Kim Taehyung

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Is it the look in his eyes when he does his photoshoots? I wouldn't know. I've never actually sat in front of him and stared into his eyes. I mean he is famous.

However, It's almost as if anyone at least got his eyes on them even for one second that their happiness could jump and collied with ashes of hope. They'd be overjoyed.

One could say that it is indeed the look in his eyes. Why? Is it because every time he looks at them it is as if he is telling them his deepest emotions without words? His eyes, such sorrow. Such intensity.

His eyes are always so mesmerizing. In pictures, I've seen the power that they hold. It'll seem like his eyes are alive even though it may not be the real him. I bet it's a lot stronger in person. But, is it always his eyes that are so mesmerizing? No.

Kim Taehyung. He is mesmerizing. With the character that he has he can become the most mesmerizing person here. Maybe even on earth. He can make goosebumps appear on your skin with just a mere glance.

His eyes just add to his character. It's apart of him. It is what makes him unobtainable. He is far, but close. Kim Taehyung with his gaze back at it again.

Why is his gaze so important to his trait?  Why does it highlight his mesmerization? Oh right. Yes, that is correct. It is because his gaze is what makes others feel all bubbly and happy. It is what makes others want to be his.

He is like a cure. What is cure? What is the definition of cure? Is it a good thing? Why yes. It is. Cure is a very good thing. And Kim Taehyung seems to be a cure for most things.

Cure is like another way of saying restored. In this case, cure is restoring a person's happiness or knowledge of something.

Kim Taehyung is the cure. From when we am down he makes sure that we can smile again. When anyone is down he is there for them.   He is truly amazing. His rectangular smile sending most of us to heaven.

To be able to be a cure for most things is pretty hard. But, the fact that it is Kim Taehyung himself it's like he doesn't even need to lift a finger. As long as he is happy, it should be like a chain reaction.

Curing people is what he is great at. In this context, curing is cheering up. To cheer another up and succeed. Kim Taehyung does that. He is the reason, the ball of sunshine, in the room that lights up everyone's mood.

He can be like the medicine I take to remind myself that I am doing enough. But Kim Taehyung isn't an object or anything. Kim Taehyung is Kim Taehyung.

You never want to feel sad with him. There isn't a moment in my life where I can stay sad watching Kim Taehyung. After all, he is the light to my shadows. There wouldn't be any shadows if it wasn't for his light. His brightness. His cure. He is not only amazing but, spectacular.

Everything feels alright when your lips reach to both ends of your cheeks. Everything feels okay when your lips part to show the shining teeth hidden behind it. Everything is alright when you look at the camera and grin. Everything is okay when you just smile.

When dark memories begin to flood our minds. We start to forget the feeling of giving great meaningful smiles. We start to forget that even a simple smile can make another smile.

When he smiles with his most genuine smile I can not help but, give my greatest smile. It's like a chain reaction because I know that you're happy and it makes me happy. It's a contagious smile.

Seeing you smile makes me feel content. It makes me want to see it more. It's comforting. Really it is. It could end wars.

I would say that the best trait that you have is smiling. That is because you do it all the time. And each time that you do it's meaningful. Theres so much to a smile than to what is just shown. You smile for yourself, for your joy, and you smile for us. You're fans.

If daylight clashes with your dazzling smile. Your smile would outshine it because it's that powerful. The energy inside of me boosts up and I feel like I can do it. I feel like I can do anything. I could jump up 10 feet high into the sky.

It makes me feel warm and like I've mentioned it makes me know that everything is okay. That it will be alright. Keep smiling. I love your smile. We love your smile as much as we love you.

김태형 화이팅!
방탄소년단 화이팅!

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