Chapter 17: Broken Hearts

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So.. Yeah..  This chapter, I definitely know, you guys are gonna officially hate me..

Some sh*t is about to go down this chapter!

Just strap in.. (Wink)

And get ready!!

(Warning: Violent Mature Content.. Bdsm.. And all types of weird)

💟Hope you enjoy! (Please don't hate me) 💟

Ino’s P.O.V

I quickly drove up to Naruto's club, putting the car into a close up park.

I panted and gulped, my eyes staring up at the building I wished to never come back to.

But here I am.. coming right back.

Tsunade gulped as well, her arms holding Noah close in the backseat.. "S-So.. are you sure, Hinata's here?" She asked curiously with a bit of worry in her voice while Kureani scanned the place from where she sat in the front, her eyes narrowing..

I nodded slowly and looked back at Tsunade  in the back, eyeing her worried face.

"I'm positive. If Naruto's back to his cruel ways, he'll take her back here to.. pl-play with her." I said hesitantly and she gasped, civering her mouth in shock.

"N-No way." She whispered and we both nodded, Noah gulping loudly from beside her.

"Wh-Why can't I come? Isn't mom and dad here? I want to see them... I want to see if they're okay." He exclaimed worriedly making us all sigh, his innocent pleads cutting deep.

He knows something is wrong but we can't possibly take him in here.

This is an adult club.

And Naruto's crazy.

He'll hurt Noah.

I blew out a quick breath before turning to him.

I smiled faintly and shook my head
"Y-You can't come with us.. Noah. Just have faith that we'll bring your mom and dad back, okay." I said and he frowned, his shoulders slumping.

"F-Fine." He whispered out without a fuss making me smile.

I turned to Kureani and nodded, she nodding back for she got my secret message..

It's go.. time..

We both soon moved and exit the car, Tsunade staying inside with Noah.

I sighed shakily and stepped outside, slamming the door back closed.

I flashed a smile at Tsunade who smiled back, her hand coming up to roll the window down.

"You girls be safe, okay. I'll keep a close eye on Noah." She said reassuringly and we both nodded, sighing afterwards.

Kureani turned to Tsuande in her side and sent her a serious look "We'll figure out something. This won't be easy.. It'll just be like old times." Kurenai stated and Tsunade pouted, but nodded,

"You're right. Just help, Hinata. Be there for her. Because right now.. She may be going.. through hell…"

Hinata’s P.O.V

I groaned as my vision blurred, black blotches covering my eyesight. 

What's going on?

I can't see anything..

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