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"next we have Apple White" Headmaster Grimm announces Apple happily taking the stage she smiles waving. As she walks up to the storybook of legends she extends her arms and four birds rest on her arms two on each. "I am Apple White daughter of Snow White and I am ready to pledge my destiny," she says holding out her hand a golden key shaped like an apple at the top appears she takes it and opens up the storybook with it. The book opens and flips to a page with a picture of Apple sleeping with Raven in the back holding a bucket of apples. The page flips now Apple is walking down a red carpet with Daring Charming beside her as people take their pictures the page turns again now Apple is standing on a stage singing in front of a large crowd. A mirror appears in front of her and she smiles brighter looking at the future version of herself. The mirror changes into a pen she takes it and signs her name in the storybook of legend.

Everyone cheers and claps as she blows kisses to the crowd she moves to the side of the stage and Headmaster Grimm takes her place. "and next Raven Queen" he says unamused lightning strikes behind me and thunder roars as she slowly walks towards the book. She grips the podium for support as she looks down at the book in front of her "I am Raven Queen daughter of the evil queen and I pledge I-" she stammers Apple smiles at her "come on do it" she encourages a black key appears Raven takes it and opens the book with it. The book flips open showing the same picture it showed Apple where Apple is sleeping and Raven stands with a basket of apples behind her. The page turns showing people yelling holding up signs with Raven's face crossed out of them as she walks alone into a dark forest. It turns again now Raven is in handcuffs with an officer behind her Apple is standing pointing for the officer to take her away. Raven gasps as the page turns showing her homeless pushing a shopping cart filled with broken things in an alleyway. She sadly looks up as a mirror appears in front of her she gasps seeing herself in chains with a look of pure terror on her face. The mirror turns into a pen Raven reaches for it but stops and looks down at the book.

She looks up to face the crowd "I am Raven Queen and I am going to write my own destiny! My happily ever after starts now!" she says closing the storybook of legend the mirrors that showed the audience what was happening shatter and everyone gasps. The rebels start cheering for Raven who looks down at herself "I'm still here" she says happily "I didn't disappear!" she says turning around to face Headmaster Grimm she scowls at him and he frowns back at her "how could you be so selfish!" Apple cries the royals boo Raven as the rebels continue to cheer "I'm sorry Apple but I-" Raven yells over the crowd "hold everything!" Raven yells as purple light comes from her hands she points it at the crowd freezing us all. "I didn't know I could do that" Raven says turning to Apple she unfreezes her "I'm sorry Apple but I don't want anyone to tell me who to be I want to figure that out on my own. Don't you understand?" Raven asks "I'm not the only one who gets to choose their own destiny now we all do even you," she tells Apple "but I don't want to choose a new destiny I liked the one I had," Apple tells her rushing off stage crying.

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