t h r e e | c o n d i t i o n

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"After everything that happened, and all the things that will happen... Will you take me back?"

My head snapped in his direction and the driver started coughing violently, trying to cover up the fact that he was eavesdropping.

I narrowed my eyes at him," Take you back?" I hissed," I never had you in the first place."

"You did," He stated, looking out the window through the rain," I just... I could never bring myself to tell you-."

"Why?" I asked, my voice was just above a whisper," Why couldn't you have told me? Why of all the times?"

He bit his lip nervously and couldn't bring himself to meet my piercing gaze. His green eyes were soft, harmless. I almost saw a sliver of the old Deku peeking through.

"I- um...," He looked like a scared puppy," I didn't deserve you." He admitted, staring at the car floor as if all of his pain could seep through and drip onto the clean manicured grey car floor.

A tear snaked down my face," Y'know..." He leaned in to hear my low voice," That was the old Deku I loved." The long silence that followed was filled with more of my tears escaping," The Deku I would have done anything for."


"Don't speak," I hissed, my words laced with honest venom," I have some things to say: And you're going to listen."

He said nothing, yet his eyes sang paragraphs.

"Do you remember?" I whispered, my voice hoarse," At the entrance exam when I stopped you from falling," The memory played out in my mind and the image of his embarrassed face made me smile.

A small smile adopted to his face as he nodded.

"You were as red as a tomato and couldn't even say a word," I chuckled.

"It was my first time talking to a girl," He remembered fondly," You were my first friend."

"Yeah," The pleasant silence that followed allowed me to relax my back against the seat and sigh," You were so shy. So incredibly shy that when you finally came out on top, for the sports festival in our third year, you looked like you were about to die from all the attention.

"You insisted that you just barely won and that you didn't deserve all the praise- even though we all knew you, Bakugo, Shinso and Todoroki were in a whole other league. You were so modest. So kind, considerate, caring and determined in everything you did.

"You were Deku. My Deku. My shining knight in glimmering armor that I admired so very much. But when your mom... when she passed... you left. My knight dropped his sword and abandoned me. I never blamed you for it. That was your mom- you loved her. But for the longest time, I convinced myself you hadn't abandoned us- me in the process. You never reached out, called, texted, messaged, visited, did anything at all that could let me know that you were even alive.

Rage flickered in me, "And then I saw your smug self on TV. 'Living your best life' as if we'd never met. That's when I made a personal oath never to let you into my life again so you can't just keep shattering my heart like it was nothing."


"Because in our first year, all the way back then, I had realized something," I looked away from his cloudy green eyes," I loved you. It may seem a little big for something for just a fifteen-year-old, but I did. I genuinely would have died for you. Any day. Any time. Anywhere. Anything. I was yours," I looked back at him," But you were never mine."

He didn't speak for along time," I was," He spoke with such gentleness that I almost forgave him.

Almost. But he's so very close.

He shouldn't be. He could have been dating Mei Hatsume for all I knew.

I desperately didn't want to forgive him for leaving me alone for all those years. I shouldn't take him back. Shouldn't speak-

"I always had feelings for you since our first year. How could I not!" He chuckled," You were this determined, hard-working, kind, bubbly girl that always treated me like I was worth something. And when our second year started it only intensified. Remember when you Pulled-a-Kacchan and declared you were going to win the sports festival. That year Todoroki got injured." He grinned.

My face heated up," That was so embarrassing! I didn't even win-"

"You came really close to winning, though." There was a small pause," But what did Shinsou say to you to make you respond to him while you guys fought?"

My lips spread into a thin line," He told me you were already disappointed in me. That you told him you wouldn't even watch the match."

Deku let out a big sigh," I can't believe he resorted to lying. You should have known it wasn't the truth," He shook his head," I need to have a talk with him." And then he started mumbling. I didn't bother listening to his rant to figure out what he was talking about.

Nor did I know what was so incredibly funny about this situation. All I knew was that I couldn't stop laughing.

I guess it's just funny how- no matter how much someone changes: Somethings will always remain the same.

This was still my Deku.

Just a little broken.

But that doesn't mean he's not worth fixing. Or at least an attempt.

My intense laughter started to die down, but his mumbling persisted, making it even more hilarious how he hadn't even stopped.

Before my laughter broke my own eardrums, I decided to interrupt him now before he scared the uber driver.

"Deku," I said, still giggling a bit. He snapped out of his trance and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck- the tips of his ears red," Y'know what?"

"What?" He responded politely.

"I'll take you back," I announced smugly, unaware of where it was coming from," But under one condition."

"Anything." He breathed, probably out of breath from his mumbling spree.

"You have to tell me why the hell you've changed so much."

He bit his bottom lip," Right now?"

Wow, I'm going to get an immediate answer? After all this time: Answers.


He closed his eyes, opened his mouth to answer as the world seemed to slow.

"All Might's dead." He confessed.

"We're here." The uber driver announced to us at the same moment.

The silver haired uber driver looked at us in horror at what had been revealed. I looked at Deku in complete shock. And Izuku looked up to the roof of the car, pondering his life, and asked," How much is the fee?"

"I-it's on the house."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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