Ch. 2

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"Beep beep beep beep beep beep-" I slam the off button on my alarm. I head to the other girls' rooms and yell "Rise and shine girrrrls!!!" After getting a few pillows thrown at me I put on some music on my laptop, I put it on my Drake station then I head to the shower.  I let the warm water run on my body, it felt so relaxing I could've fallen asleep so I decided to get out. As I wrap the towel around me and tie a knot I start blowdrying my hair. What should I do to my hair today? Straighten or curl it? Ehh straightening it took less time, so straight hair today it was. "Knock Knock- Girrl you better hurry up I needa get in the shower!" yelled Jenni. I swear 2 restrooms just wasn't enough for 4 girls. But since we're all so close we don't mind, afterall we're all girls. I open the door and let Jenni shower while I do my hair and some natural makeup. "So what clubs are you thinking on joining this semester?" Jenni asked. "I'm not sure but I want to do something different something worth it, guess I'll just take a look at all the booths today" I replied. "Yeah whatevs I'm just looking forward to the parties!" Jenni yelled. "Whatever party girl!" I told her exiting the restroom heading to my closet to pick out my outfit. Well this will take a while. I swear I can never pick an outfit out easily, it's a mission. Usually after I'm satisfied with what I have on I have clothes scattered everywhere. I'm more of a nice shirt, jeans, and converse. But I do love to get all dolled up and ready it's just most of the time I'm lazy. And on bad days there's lipstick. Today I picked a nice black shirt dark blue jeans and black converse. I put on a necklace that went with it and some lipstick that matched with my necklace; ruby red. "Can you put on something else other than Drake?!" Angie asked. "Put on some country!" said Steph. "Ohhh yeah put on my baby Luke Bryan!" screamed Angie. Angie loves Luke Bryan. I like country as well, I like any type of music depends on my mood. But  I can't get enough of Drake and Beyonce. After what seemed like forever we were all finally ready and fed. We can literally walk to our college from our apartment.


We walk into the campus and see other people we talk to or have classes with. I guess you can say they're our friends but there's no bestfriends like us 4 girls. "Oh looky here, the besties!" Regina said sarcastically, as soon as we heard her voice we all made a face. Regina was the usual stuck up gossip girl. "Ain't nobody got time for you!" Steph said laughing and we all laughed along and ignored her. When I turned the other way laughing my smile wiped away. Christian. 

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