Ch. 3

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Christian. Act normal act normal, I tell myself and as soon as the girls noticed the awkward moment they grab my arm and head to a different direction. Let's just say Christian and I didn't end up on good terms. We've known each other for a while and when we first met we clicked right away. His big brown eyes are what I noticed first. Ahh those eyes. We hungout on and off campus plenty of times we also have Pyschology class together. We texted and talked on the phone like crazy and you can guess  the rest. I fell for him and he made me believe he was falling for me too. I'm so gullible, such and idiot. I really thought we had something going on. I wanted more than just being friends so I confessed him my feelings. Usually guys are the first ones to tell you 'I like you' and ask you out not girls. But I thought 'well hey I really like him so why not go for it?'. When you take a risk you think about what you lose but you also have to think at what you can win. Obviously I lost this one. 'I'm sorry I just can't it's not that I don't like you, you're simply amazing Reyna but I can't' he told me almost crying and left. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. All those hugs, kisses, late night phone calls, picnics, dates, and pictures. They all seemed real and like it was just yesterday. After the day of the confession we just stopped talking. From talking to someone everyday to not talking to them at all sucks. I started thinking, 'What did I do wrong?' and blaming it on me for confessing my feelings and ending a friendship. I was a little depressed and hurt but I got through it thanks to my girls. But it still hurts me everytime I see him, those big brown eyes, I get flashbacks of the best memories we had together. Ever since then this is how it's been, not speaking to each other yet he can't take his eyes off of me in Pyschology class or in the halls. I thought going back home for a while was going to help me forget about him completely but I guess it doesn't work that way.


After heading to a different direction we all  just kind of separated going to different booths. There were so many from fraternity, sorority, radio, community service, music, dance, etc. As I was looking around one caught my eye. ExploreThe World Club. I always loved the idea of exploring the world. I then noticed Jessica a friend I've known for a while and had classes with. She explains some things to me. Seems like this club does all kinds of fundraising, activities, and organizations to fundraise money for trips. They take little trips to nearby places then there's the big exciting trip. I don't know why but I got this gut feeling like this is the club I should join and it had something good in it for me. After signing some papers and getting the schedule of our meetings for this club I look for the girls. I found Angie first she was at some nursing booth signing papers. She was the future nurse of the group. Steph was at a dance booth, who could've guessed that one lol. Jenni was at a beauty booth looking at some little projects they had going on there. We all hangout at the patio but little by little one leaves because her class starts. I was the last one to head to class.Criminology. I was studying to get a degree in Criminal Justice.

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