Ch. 4

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After my 2 hour Criminology class I head to the cafeteria to get some snacks. My stomach was grumbling the last hour of class. It was embarassing. As I walk to the cafeteria I send a group text to the girls: 

Me: hey b*tches I'm heading to the cafeteria, where you at?

Angie: Library, I'll be there in 10 min :)

Steph: Meeting. It's boring anyways -_- So I'll leave be there in 5 min (:

Me: Alright lol I'm so hungry my stomach was so loud in Criminology, it was embarassing :o

Angie: Omg mine too and I'm in the library, the quitest place -___-

Steph: Sucks to be you hahaha

Me: Where's Jenni?

Jenni: You b*tches always blowing up my notifications I needa put my phone on silent now. I'm talking to a cute guy ;)

Me: "Why you gotta be so rude" Magic voice lol. What guy? ;D

Angie: Boo you wh*re!

Steph: I see you Reyna.

Me: That's not scary at all, just kidding I see you too.

Jenni: Be there in a bit after I get the digits ;)

Angie: Almost there!

When we were all together in the cafeteria we got a few snacks and went to the patio. We laid down a blanket and just relaxed. We ate and talked what seemed like forever until we all had a class to go to.


Next class was Psychology. Oh please shoot me. I used to love Psych class until it became all awkward. Christian and I used to sit together but that changed the next day after I confessed him my feelings. That hurt too. Anywho as I walk to class I see Bruno, a good friend that I kind of stopped talking to because I was all head over heels over Christian. Bruno was very handsome as well; tall, tanned, nice smile, dimples. Girls were goo goo gaga gaga over him. His personality is what makes him. He is just sweet with words and knows how to make a girl smile. He approaches me and says "Goodmorning stranger, I mean beautiful" It wasn't until then that I realized I was all caught up with Christian that I stopped talking to Bruno. All my friends told me Bruno liked me but he never told me. I guess because girls were crazy over him I wasn't. Yes he would flirt but I thought he did that to every girl. Omg maybe what Christian did to me was karma for me of what I did to Bruno. My friends would say I put him in the friendzone but I mean that's all I saw him as. We never did anything more than friends. Yes we had good deep conversations, hugs, kisses on the cheek, he was like a good boy friend. Boy friend? uhh no guy friend. Sounds better. I guess what goes around comes back around. "Goodmorning Bruno" I reply with a smile. We walk into class "Goodmorning" Mrs. Finnell greets us. We greet her back. As I walk to a seat Bruno rushes in front of me and pulls the chair open for me, "Thank you" I giggle. "No problem, you're welcome" he says as he sits next to me. For the rest of class we catch up on everything. We talk, smile, and laugh until we hear Mrs. Finnell "Christian is everything okay?" I had forgot I had Christian in this class. Wow. I turn around to see Christian mad, his face was red, looking at Bruno and I. "No ma'am just trying to figure out this situation" he said eyeing us. "Anything I can do to help?" asked Mrs. FInnell. "No thank you" Christian blurted and walked out of class. Whoa, what was that all about? I asked myself. Bruno then asked me "What's up with him?" "How should I know?" I replied. "What happened to you two?" asked Bruno. "I really don't want to talk about it" I told him. For the rest of the class we did some reading and class work. Finally the clock read 1:00 pm and I put my things away. Bruno walked out with me and I told him it was good catching up with him but that I had to go meet the girls for lunch. "Bye nice talking to you" I tell him and was about to turn around when he grabbed me in for a big hug. Weird. It's been a while since I got one of those hugs. "Umm sorry just that I've missed you Reyna and I loved catching up with you. Is it okay with you if I call/text you later on today?" he says. "Umm yeah sure, why not?" I say with an awkward smile. "Okay I still have your number and it's still under My Girl" Bruno says nervously. "Omg weirdo okay talk to you later I gotta go" I tell him as I walk away.  I thought, wow that was a lot to take in just one class. I take out my phone and see texts from the girls, they were waiting for me out front. Guess we were going to Denny's for lunch. Yummy! Plus it's a good place to talk about our days. I have some serious stuff to talk about lol.

My Lie Started It AllOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora