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Will you love me, will you care?
Will you promise to be always there?
Will you heal me, hold me dear?
Will you cancel out all of my fears?
Will I ever be good enough?
Will I ever not be too soft?
Will I ever feel your warmth?
Will I ever find your love?

Will you love me,will you care?
Will you hurt or hold me dear?
Will you see me as your love,
Take me to your love abode?
Will you cradle me in the night,
And through all fears, you'll hold me tight?
Will you ever see me more,
Than just that girl who's quite a bore?

Will you be there through all time?
Will you promise to be mine?
Will you always make me smile,
Run with me for a million miles?
Will you constantly be there,
Through all memories we could share?
Will you love me, will you care?
Through all my faults, will you find me dear?


So this chapter could be a game. You guys can try to guess the people I'm asking these questions though the third stanza is for a group of people. Hint: one of the stanzas are for my mum. 😳😊
I really hope you liked this chapter.
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