Chapter 1.

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T.W: Blood, gore, foul language, my shitty writing, and a mean green mother from outer space


     "Give it up already, Anxiety! You know the bad guy never wins!" Roman Prince, the king of the Apecidor Kingdom, shouted at his enemy. He was the ruler, and the protecter of his kingdom. He was the good guy. The one everybody adored. He was the hero. 

     "Not until you do Princy." Virgil Storm, more commonly know as Anxiety, calmly called in return, dodging the swing of his sword with ease. "You know, I don't know why you always pick fights with me. The only way to stop me would be to either, A. Rip my vocal cords out and get rid of sound waves, or B. premantly gag me and get rid of sound waves. You can't do that."

     "I pick fights with you because you're not allowed to be here! Villains aren't allowed to be here." He swung again, ignoring the fact the the shorter boy was right, the only other way to stop him would be to kill him. And Roman could never do that.

     "Two things. One, this is no mans land. There are no rules. And two, I'm not the villain where I come from, so I'm technically, not a villain." He smiled mockingly, purple hair falling in front of his eyes. "C'mon Sir Sings A Lot! I'm not even using my powers! You can do better than-" but he was cut short as the sword sliced his side, lodging itself there for only a moment, until the king pulled it out, smirking.

     "What was that Anxiety? I think this is the best I've ever done!"He turned and walked away, hiding in a bush. He was determined to see his nemesis die. But he would never do it himself.

     He smiled, watching the younger fall to his knees, holding his side in a desperate attempt to get the blood to stop pouring. Coughing up the crimson fluid continuously. With no one to save him, he would be dead within the hour.

     Roman was so happy. The bad guy was dead! The light would fade from his eyes and no one would find his body. But of course, two people, from two sides of the clearing had to come ruin the moment. 

     Logan Sanders. The kingdoms best poet, and the kings assistant. "Sir- oh. Have you finally killed him?" He asked, noticing the body.

     "Yes yes now quiet. Tell me, who is that young man, and why is he helping Anxiety!

     "I've no clue who he is s- sir." Logan's breath hitched when he saw the beautiful mans face as he  quickly turned away into the woods.

     "Let's follow them... Kill them both if we must."

     "Y-yes sir." And off they went. Slowly following behind the two men. Deciding to watch them for a few days, see where on earth they're from, and the best way to attack. Because wherever people like Anxiety, is a place that is, surely, evil. Right?


So. Chapter 1. Short as fuck. And no language! That warning was for this. This part. Hi. Yeah so- I heard a song, and my mind said "HEY GUESS WHAT!!! IM SUDDENLY FULL OF IDEAS!" and I was like "Sweet lets write!" Then the bitch said "SIKE HAHA NO MORE CREATIVITY FOR YOUUUUUU" and so yeah- you get this piece of shit lmao. I'm tired. I have to pack tmr. Ima sleep- I have no update schedule and this will most likely be abandoned soon. BuT. For now! Its not! K thanks byeeeeeeee

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