Chapter 2.

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Tiggers: Cussing, blood, my writing, Roman being a dick, the story moving to fast, self hate, mentions of cutting, and me not being able to see Cavetown :"(

"Virgil hold on please!" Patton Moore called out desperately to his son, racing through the woods, dodging trees and vines and rocks and just running, running, running. Hoping to get back to the village fast enough to save him. But of course, to Virgil it sounded a million miles away, as if there was some great big wall in-between them, keeping them apart.

Where to begin with Patton Moore. Well, I could start by explaining how Vigil Storm is his son. He's not his real dad of course. He's gay. He can't have kids. He's really the son of his best friends, but they died long ago. And he raised him. Patton was the village healer, he was also the kindest person you'll ever meet. He's never said anything bad about anyone, and he takes care of everyone. Even Vigil's ex best friend Mary. They're still friends but once she got with Catie A/n there ya go sarcasticovetload I added us for you! They kinda stoped hanging out. He's truly amazing. He never got married however, said he never met the right one.  But right now all that matters is that he saves Virgil.

He ran for what felt like days, but he finally made it. Virgil's breathing was shallow but it was there and that was all that mattered. He ran to his home and lay him on the bed. The healer than got out his tools and went to work cleaning the blood and stitching the wound. It took 15 on the inside and 15 on the outside, but he did it. A/n that's based of what happened to my uncle once :)

~•~ Time skip brought to you by my cold ~•~

"Will he be okay??" The younger kids begged to know once Patton came outside after a day of waiting.

"Yes. He can't stand yet, but you can go visit him if you'd like." He smiled gently.

     "Really Patton?!?" All of the children said in unison like fucking demons I swear to god-

     "Of course. Just don't jump on him." The healer chuckled.

     They all squealed and made anyone within a 5 mile radius flinch and lose all their shit so good job. But they ran inside anyways because they're kids they don't give a shit.

     ~•~ Another times skip brought to you by the fact that it's 11 and I have school tomorrow ~•~

     "Vigil Virgil Virgil Virgil Virgil Virgil Virgil Virgi-"

     "WhAt?????????" A/n based off my friend

     "Sing us a story!!"


     "Yeah! Because you won't go off topic on a million different things and get confused! I'm smart!" Some random ass kid said.

"Uh- Okay? Let me think..." he tilted his head in thought. "Oh! Okay I got it." A/n play the song now ^^ "There will come a soldier who carries a mighty sword." Virgil began to move his hands around in the air, creating a sort of drawing, and golden sparkles shot out of his hands, dancing around the children who stared in wonder.

He then created background music out of the sounds he heard outside. "He will tear your city down ole aliyah lord." Virgil knew that adults were listing, and he knew that they knew what he was warning. " Ole Aliyah ole o lord he will tear your city down ole Aliyah lord."

"There will come a poet whose weapon is his word. He will slay you with his tongue Ole Aliyah o lord. He will slay you with his tongue ole Aliyah o lord."

The golden stuff shone brighter and moved with the beat of the song.

"There will come a ruler whose brow is laid in thorn. Smeared with oil like David's boy ole Aliyah o lord ole Aliyah o lord. Smeared with oil like David's boy ole Aliyah o lord. Ole Aliyah o lord. He will tear your city down ole Aliyah oooooo."

The door was suddenly busted down, and in the debris stood non other than the ruler and poet themselves. Roman Prince and Logan Sanders.

Heyyyyyyy y'all l!!! I'm not dead! So this story is very rushed and I'm sorry but I'm bad at writing so you're stuck with it haha. Have a nice day!

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