Chapter 2

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It was the middle of the night when Splashkit woke up. He was cold, and his sister was shaking far too much.

"Mama!" He chirped, squirming.

"Shhh," Quailwing tried to calm him.

He continued to chirp and mew, hoping they would notice Softkit.

"What's wrong with him?! I'm trying to sleep!" Lightslip moaned.

"Sorry, Lightslip." Quailwing meowed.

Splashkit squealed, determined to make them notice Softkit.

"Quailwing make him STOP!" Lightslip's voice was almost a yowl.

"Splashkit, please!" Quailwing yelped.

"Mama? What's that awful noise?" Petalkit mewed.

Shellkit blinked his eyes open as well.

"Mama?" He chirped.

"Quailwing! Now he's woken my kits!" Lightslip yelled.

This commotion continued for a bit, until Gullstar entered.

"What in StarClan is going on in here?!" Gullstar hissed.

"Splashkit won't stop SCREECHING!" Lightslip hissed back.

He growled, giving her an annoyed stare. Lightslip realized she had been too hasty, and guilt followed her gaze as she looked down.

"I'm sorry-" She began, but Gullstar dismissed it with a flick of his tail.

Gullstar peeked at Splashkit, and he seemed to notice that little Softkit was a little sick-looking.

"Don't worry about Splashkit, what you should be worrying about is that little silver she-kit." Worry flooded his voice.

Quailwing looked up at her brother, then quickly looked at Softkit. She sniffed her for a few seconds, and then looked as if she'd seen a ghost. She grabbed Softkit and ran to the Medicine Cat Den.

Splashkit stopped screaming, and instead snuggled up next to Salmonkit. Before he closed his eyes, he heard Gullstar mumble something, and a soggy droplet fell on him. With that, Splashkit went to sleep.

In the morning...

Splashkit wasn't even fully awake yet. But yet, voices rang in his head. He was half awake, half asleep.

"What if Softkit doesn't make it?!" He heard a wail from somewhere.

A reassuring meow came from somewhere else. Then, Splashkit smelled something. It smelled like fish, but it was more of a fragrance. He opened his eyes to see Shellkit's pretty pale blue eyes. He mewed.

"You were very loud last night," The handsome ginger tabby commented.

"Was it to save Softkit?" He asked.

Finally, someone who got it! He tried to show him a yes, by squirming and mewing.

"Wow, your smart." Shellkit mewed.

Shellkit sat down next to him.

"It's odd," He began. "For you to only be about two weeks old, and for me to be about two moons old, and your still smarter."

Splashkit didn't really understand much of what he was saying, but he listened anyways. His voice was nice.

Soon Petalkit came over too, and Shellkit left to play with her instead; after saying good-bye to Splashkit.

For a long time, him and Salmonkit were alone. They played a little, they crawled around a little. But it was kind of boring, and neither of them knew where Quailwing or Softkit were. They had explored every corner of the nursery, and they weren't allowed to go outside.

Eventually, they settled down in a comfy nest, and fell asleep.

Sometime after they began their nap, Quailwing snuck in the nest. Warmth flooding him, Splashkit was able to get some real sleep.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter!

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