Chapter 4

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Soon after, Splashkit told Salmonkit about their sister's death. She let out mournful mews, pawing at the ground. Splashkit licked her forehead.

"It's ok." He mewed.

Salmonkit gave him a painful smile. He smiled back, tiny tears dripping down his face.

Orange light swallowed the nursery. Outside, the sun was almost gone, hiding under the river. Splashkit yawned, curling around Salmonkit. Once again, the two went to sleep in an empty nest.

His sleep was quite peaceful, as the stars above roamed the navy night sky. His dreams? They had Softkit. She was young again. But somehow older. Her pure silver pelt no longer had it's sickening bits of lost fur here and there, and her kitten coat was gone. Her pale gray eyes shimmered in the moonlight. She was happy. And so was he.

Splashkit's dreams were interrupted yet again by hearing someone's uncontrollable sobbing. It was his mother. He peeked out of the leaves, seeing cold flakes coming down from the sky.

"Softkit... Mudpaw..!" Quailwing yowled, tears drenching her face and snot coming from her nose, her once light blue eyes we're stained red with stress.

Pikewatcher's meow followed. "Im so sorry, darling..." He sniffled, his voice cracked with sorrow.

"I remember when Mudpaw was a little kit, don't you? Remember how he use to play in the mud, and bring us mud pies as gifts? I was so disgusted, but now... I would love to eat all of the pies he ever made to bring him back." Quailwing whimpered.

"And remember how he use to separate Nightkit and Ripplekit when they quarreled? He was so good to them... Such a nice tom." Her tears were coming quicker and harder now.

"Oh, Pikewatcher..! I regret every moment not spent with him..." Whimpering, she curled into a ball. Pikewatcher dragged her into the Nursery, setting her next to Splashkit and Salmonkit.

"Get some rest, my love." He meowed, giving her pelt a few comforting licks before padding off.

Splashkit licked his mother too, trying to tell her it was ok. Quailwing forced a smile, and curled around them. Splashkit let his eyes close. Thoughts rushed through him. In the morning, Softkit wouldn't be there. Neither would Mudpaw. How dare time move on without them. How could he ever let go? Maybe if he didn't let go, maybe he would wake up and they would be there. Even though he didn't know Mudpaw, he still grieved, not fully understanding why he would never get to meet him. After a little more pondering, he finally drifted into sleep.


Three moons had passed since Mudpaw and Softkit had died. Splashkit had barely any memories of them, so it was hard to have them live on. He felt guilty for this, that because he had little memories, maybe they would be forgotten. He didn't want that. He wanted them to live on forever. He still had a little grief for them, and it was almost hard for him to grasp the concept of Quailwing still not letting go. But somehow, he got over them. He was allowed to move on, he realized that about two moons ago, when the memories of them were still burned in his mind.

But today was not a day to be sad. It was a day to be joyful. Today was a special day. It was Shellkit's apprenticeship! And Petalkit's. While he was happy for both of them, he was definitely more excited about Shellkit becoming an apprentice. But also sad. Now he would be alone. Well, not completely alone. He had Salmonkit. But he still preferred Shellkit.

For it was Shellkit who had helped him let go. Shellkit who always played with him. And Shellkit who gave him someone to talk too. Yes, Shellkit was definitely his favorite.

Splashkit rolled on the dusty ground, his gray tabby pelt collecting most of the dirt. Dirt was fun. So was getting dirty. He breathed in the new-leaf air, excited for the day.

"Good morning, Splashkit." Petalkit greeted, purring.

Splashkit lashed his tail playfully.

"Petalkit! You look amazing!" He mewed.

Petalkit's pale brown fur was fluffy and shiny, and the glossy white splotches seemed to shimmer. She had grown so big since Softkit had died. Not in a fat way, just in a really tall way. She was slightly taller than her mother now, and she wasn't even fully grown! Not that she would get much bigger. Apprentices were normally only a little shorter than their mentors, and either the same size or a teensy bit taller than them as Warriors.

Petalkit became flustered at the compliment. "You should see Shellkit. Mother has him done so well!"

Splashkit smiled, padding off to see Shellkit. He was sitting in front of the nursery, his lovely blue eyes staring off at the clouds.

Petalkit was right. He did look awfully handsome. His short ginger tabby fur was sleek, and it seemed to glow. It was almost golden. The white diamond on his chest was whiter than snow. He was much shorter than Petalkit, but that might also be because he wasn't fluffy at all. In fact, his pelt seemed to stick to his body quite well.

"You look absolutely fantastic, Shellkit." Splashkit mewed, purring as loudly as he could.

Shellkit smiled in return. Just then, a voice echoed through the camp.

"May all cats old enough the swim into the depths of the river, meet beneath this here rock for a Clan Meeting!" Gullstar called.

"It's time." Shellkit meowed.

Together, Splashkit and Shellkit padded into the clearing of gathering cats. Lightslip, Quailwing, Petalkit, and Salmonkit were among them. Shellkit sat next to his him and his sister. Splashkit could feel Shellkit quivering. He gave his ginger pelt a lick, and Shellkit grinned back at him, embarrassment and shyness sprinkled all over his face.

After a few heartbeats, Gullstar spoke.

"Today, two kits are old enough to become apprentices. Petalkit, step forward."

Petalkit stepped forward, sitting tall. She was actually the tallest cat there, despite being so young.

"Petalkit, from this day forward, you shall be know as Petalpaw. Birchleaf, you a wonderful swimmer and a great fighter. You are ready to take an apprentice. I hope for you to pass all you know on to Petalpaw." Gullstar spoke.

Petalpaw padded forward and touched noses with Birchleaf.

"I promise to teach you well." He meowed.

"Shellkit, step forward."

Shellkit padded forward nervously.

"Shellkit, from this day forward, you shall be known as Shellpaw. Archfang, you are a powerful tom and deserve an apprentice. I hope you will pass all you know down to Shellpaw."

Archfang and Shellpaw touched noses.

"You will be the strongest cat in the Clan when I'm through with you." He gave a gruff meow.

Splashkit was so happy for his friend. He purred. Shellkit's ceremony made him only more excited for his own.

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