Oc #2((Individual rp)

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Love you my little Akumas!

Name: Austrien Madison

Nicknames:Aussy, Australian, Austen, Tree, A.M., Morningside

Age: "A number between not and telling you.(20/Modern:16)

Gender: "Why don't ya ask my dead parents."(Female)

Sexuality: "Nobody needs to know..."(Bisexual)

Personality: "I'm a badass. Specific enough?" ((She's sweet,caring,rude as ever at times, cranky at most, snappy, can get you into almost any bar.

Appearance: She's an exact replica of James Madison, is her older brother, but with long curly hair, lighter brown eyes, a more feminine form, and she's healthy instead of a sick man who can barely handle a cold.((No offense, we love you Jemmie💕))

Likes: Food, wine, whiskey, and lots of it. Hanging around James when Thomas isn't around. That way she has him all to herself without  a loud Thomas to drag him away. Being near James.

Dislikes: Being stranded alone in a crowd of people,  being near James when he's around Thomas, being around Thomas

Fears: George Washington. He scared the crap outta anybody.

Friends:Herc and Laf

Enemies: The hamilsquad except Herc and Laf

Crush(s): Lafayette

Backstory:  She grew up with James and Thomas, eventually growing up to be bestfriends, just the three of them. When three becomes two, Austrien feels all alone, and just lurks behind James like a shadow

Historical clothes: A gray gray dress that stops at her knees, and white flats

Modern clothes: Black and white striped shirt, black jeans, black and white flats, and a wine-red scarf.

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