Chapter 5

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I got up from the ground remembering the blood. “Momma? Pappa? Where are you? Where are you?” I yell. I see the car. It’s flipped over on it’s side. My head hurts, as I put my hand on my head I feel something warm and wet. I quickly pull my hand away from my head. Now I feel the blood dripping down my head. I take a look at my hand, the blood is copper and warm.

    “MOMMA! PAPPA! WHERE ARE YOU?! PEASE COME BACK! Pease.” I yell, my voice echoes and I start running. My little dress is flying up behind me. When i’m about 100 yards away, I trip and fall. I hit my head on a rock and pass out.

    Beep, Beep, Beep. “W-w-what? What happened?” I say as my eyes start to open. A blinding light comes into my vision. “She’s awake! Quick, get the doctor! Hi honey, are you ok?” A women in light blue pastel scrubs asks me. “Where’s my momma and pappa?” I cry. The women looks pained. “Oh honey, they’re gone.” 

    “Gone? Can you pease find dem?” I begged. “Where did they go? Can you pease tell dem to come back? My head hurts.” I cried. 

“Do you believe in Heaven and . . .” She heasitates. “ The devil’s home?” She asked. I nodded, “ Is that where they went? To heaven with grandma?” The nurse nodded mournfully

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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