CHAPTER 3 - Part 2

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As I open the box I see


**Bailee’s POV**

Her goodbye letters and a box filled with pictures of some of the most important and happiest times of her life. Before all the bullying started. I broke down, then and there, in the waiting room. Just rocking back and forth in a ball holding the box close to my chest and crying and screaming, all the pain hits me like a wall of bricks falling on top of me, crushing me a little more every time another brick falls. It feels like your sinking when everyone around you is swimming, it’s like you just can’t breathe. I hope Trinity is okay. By now, nurses and staff members have rushed by my side, I recognise one of them, they’re one of Trinity’s nurses. She helps me up and take me into a room to calm down, she just holds me I her arms while I cry into her chest. She said I can stay I the room until I can see Trinity. I decide now’s the time for me to read my letter.

**Matt’s POV**

Since I got home Trinity’s words just kept replaying in my head over and over and over, ‘bye forever guys’, she didn’t really mean it, did she? Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. My phone was ringing, I picked it up and looked at the caller id, it was Carter. Great.

(C=Carter, M=Matt)

C: you wanna come chill? We’re all heading over to Nash’s now

 M: sure. I’ll be over in 30?

 C: yeah sure

 M: see ya

I needed to make sure Trinity was okay. Since she lived 15 minutes from Nash I decided to penny board to her house on the way. As I got to her house an ambulance pulled out of the drive way. I couldn’t help but cry. The girl I have always secretly loved was being taken away in an ambulance. I stopped crying, my eyes got less red and less puffy, and it didn’t look like I had been crying. Great, now that that’s done I can head to Nash’s. I’m not going to tell the guys about Trinity because they will probably just call her an attention seeker, laugh about it and say anything mean they possibly could about it. I just rode to Nash’s house and stopped thinking about her and what just happened.

 **Bailee’s POV**

 I decided now’s the time to read my letter.

 Dear Bailee,

I love you so fucking much. You’re all I have left. You’re the only one that’s been there for me since mom and dad. I’m so sorry for all the pain I’m causing you. I want you to pursue your dream of becoming a famous model. I don’t want you to be depressed; I want you to keep fighting for your happiness. No. I NEED you to keep fighting for your happiness, not only for you but for me. I need you to stay strong. I promise I will be with you forever; I will never leave your side. I will be there, standing next to you on your wedding day, I will be there for you when you have your ups and downs. Just promise me you won’t remember me like the depressed, suicidal little sister I died as, but as the bubbly, laughing little sister when we were growing up. I love you to the moon and back, a million times round. I could keep going but I’m running out of time. I love you <3

Just promise to stay strong. I will always love you. Love, Trinity.

 By the end of the letter I was in another puddle of tears. An hour later I decided to look through the box. I found another letter, she wrote it for her bullies. I decided that I’m going to take them the letter, read it to them, and tell them what they’ve done. I hope it hurts them as much as it does me.  *30 MINUTES LATER* I arrived at Nash’s house, with the box of pictures f them and there letter. I hope they know what they’re in for…

 **Matt’s POV**

 We’ve been sitting in Nash’s lounge room in the basement playing X-Box and talking for the past 2 hours. I tell the guys I’m gonna head home and they say bye, but as I get my shoes on the doorbell rings, I yell that I’ll get it. As I open the door I see the last person I want to…Bailee. Shit!

 **Bailee’s POV**

 Matt just stands there looking at me like I’m a freaking alien. I tell him to let me in, he does. I tell him I want to see the guys and he yells out to them to come upstairs. Some of them are pissed but others are quiet. Nash runs up and yells WHAT at Matt, Matt just looks at me causing Nash to. As soon as he realises who I am, he shuts it. I tell all the guys to sit down, they do. (Nash, Aaron, Johnson, Gilinsky, Carter, Taylor, Cameron, Shawn and Matt) I decide to start by reading her letter to them.


 ME: I’m going to read you something Trinity left for you guys and your going to fucking listen. Got it?

ALL THE GUYS: “yeah” “sure” “whatever”

 ME: To my bullies,

I seriously don’t know what happened between us but whatever it was, I’m sorry but I’m even more sorry that I have to say this through paper and not in person. By the time your reading this I’m most likely already dead. *I pause and let a tear fall from my eye* You guys were some of the bestest friends I have ever had. I could never imagine hurting you, that’s why I don’t tell anyone what you do to me. I don’t even tell my own sister, MY OWN FUCKING SISTER because I don’t want you guys getting in trouble. Even though you may beat me, I still care about you guys. *I looked at the guys to see their expressions, all of them had blank and shocked faces except for 3, Aaron, Shawn and Matt, they looked like they were going to cry. I didn’t realise until now that I was almost balling my eyes out* Do you know what it’s like to tell people you trusted a secret, and then have them backstab you? Nah ya don’t but I sure as hell do. You guys ruined me. You made rumours up about me that made me lose everyone I had as a friend. I lost EVERYONE because of you. I’m not gonna lie…I hope you feel like shit now. You guys were the reason I got bullied. You guys are the reason I would get beaten up. You guys are the reason I cried myself to sleep every night. You guys are the reason I cut. You guys are the reason I became suicidal. You guys are the cause of my depression, insomnia, anxiety and trust issues. You guys are the reason I overdosed and killed myself. I hope your happy and can live with yourselves knowing that someone you claimed was one of your best friends for years killed herself because of you. And last but not least…I hope you’re happy. You got your wish. You don’t have to deal with me anymore. I’m gone!

From: Trinity

I couldn’t hold it in any longer I broke down crying again, for the 4th time today. “YOU GUYS ARE THE REASON MY LITTLE SISTER, THE ONLY PERSON I HAVE LEFT, IS LAYING IN A FUCKING HOSPITAL BED FIGHTING FOR HER GOD DAMN LIFE!” I yelled at them. “Here” I say as I pass the box to Nash “she wanted you guys to have these” I said to them. I was about to say something when my phone went off. I was getting a call from the hospital, I answered. They told me that something happened and that I needed to get there right away. I started crying even harder. Cameron asked me what was wrong. I looked at the guys and said that something happened and I needed to leave now. I didn’t know what to expect. Was Trinity alive or did she die? I ran a couple red lights and stop signs but I needed to get to her.

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