G A Y OR I N C E S T ?

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What's happening

AtuaAtuaAtua: atua said that u all should write more in this group!

MegaGayRat: fuck atua

AtuaAtuaAtua: what do u think I'm doing?

MegaGayRat: what-


MegaGayRat: probably some sex toys

WHORE: Kiibo is with me!

MegaGayRat: just what I said!

Microwave: that's robofobic!

MegaGayRat: u two are having nice skills!

Microwave: ?!

MegaGayRat: writing while ur Fucking!

Microwave: I'm not having something like this with her!

FUCKINGWEEB: but I can hear her moaning!

MegaGayEmo: what is she doing ?

Asassin: ouma ... u stupid she's having sex with..... something!?

MegaGayEmo: I'm saihara

Asassin: Oh-

Idiot: ur usernames are confusing....

Idiot changed two usernames

Liar: I see what u did there.

Sidekick: that's pretty mean.

Sidekick changed Liars username

DetectivsLiar: ^^

Sidekick: ^^

DetectivsLiar changed Sidekicks username

LiarsDetectiv: ^^

DetectivsLiar: ^^

Kayeyday: it's still confusing...

WHORE: and not that gay.

DetectivsLiar: I'm still gay.

SPACE: I'm still straight.

HUMANS~: what am I?

AtuaAtuaAtua: Atua said ur disgusting.

HUMANS~: kihihihi

WHORE: u fucked ur little sister, didn't u?

HUMANS~: if u wanna describe it Like this than yes.

DetectivsLiar: Disgusting.

HUMANS~: u like dicks in ur ass... what's the different?

DetectivsLiar: there are many differents!

LiarsDetectiv: kokichi... please don't.

DetectivsLiar: 1.gay is not incest  2.U don't know how amazing a dick in the ass is  3.incest is a sin gay is not ... right angie? ... and more

AtuaAtuaAtua: yea atua said gay isn't a sin and incest is.

DetectivsLiar: u see? ^^

HUMANS~: keheheh

LiarsDetectiv: oumatua! Why did u write this facts kokichi ?

DetectivsLiar: I'm sorry u know I love u ♡

LiarsDetectiv: i love u 2♡

DetectivsLiar: wanna come in my room?

LiarsDetectiv: on my way

WOHRE: there gonna fuck-

AtuaAtuaAtua: atua thinks that 2

Just a DanganronpaV3 chatfic lol //CancelledOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant