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If this feels like you're reading someone's diary, it's because you are. Sort of.

I started writing these poems the day after my ex-girlfriend and I broke up. I never intended anyone to read them except for me, even though they address her. They were meant for me and my healing. But I've decided to share them with you.

These poems are different from any others I've written before, if you're a returning reader. Some of them are pretty bad. Feel free to skip around from date to date and judge me for my melodrama. I was a 15 year old falling out of love, alone in the world save for my notes app. If you can't bare to read them all, here are my personal favorites: 2/26/19, 4/18/19, 5/13/19 and 7/6/19.

I hope my words will make some of you feel a little less alone. Lots of love to you all.

And to the girl I wrote all this for:
Thank you for the sadness.
It gave me a voice.

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