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approximately four months ago
i looked at you
and i looked at the world.
you were one and the same.
i held the globe at my fingertips
when i had your face in my hands.
then: the breakup.
then: the tears flooding your cheeks
like oceans pushing land apart.
i looked at you
and i looked at a cracked planet.
for a while there it felt like
we were floating, maybe,
and maybe gravity
just caught up.
and we came
i'd have liked to stay on cloud 9
a bit longer but i guess
it wasn't meant to be.
that still stings.
that still burns.
that still feels like
the cracking of the earth
when it first started to spread apart
like two souls separating when they
"break up".
i think i left some pieces of myself
with you
some of my edges are blurry
some of my dreams still
look like you
and my god
it burns
like a
and my god
it floods
like a
and my god
does gravity
or destiny
or fate
or something
still pull me to you
when we walk past each other
in the hallway every goddamn day
but when i look at you now
i don't know what i see.
i look at you
and i look at a familiar stranger.
i think i might have met you in a dream.
i hold all these words
on the tip of my tongue
and my teeth are a dam
preventing a catastrophic flood.
and my god, do i wish i could
drown with you
one more time.

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