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i feel so alone
without you
but i was alone
with you
you took everything i loved
and made it too ugly
to look at anymore
including you
you ruined

i wish i could put into words
how bad it hurts
even if i could
i can't make you care
i can play pretend
in my head
i can twist the truth
all i want
it doesn't make it real
it doesn't bring you back
it doesn't fix a goddamn thing
what a waste.
what a waste.
what a waste.

sometimes i think
you only loved me
because i made it easy
you only hate me
because you get bored
you need someone
to step on
you're wearing her t-shirt
yesterday you wore mine
i was never anything more
than a change of clothes
you meant everything to me
every goddamn thing
i hope the memories still haunt you
flashbacks like ghosts in your mind,
goosebumps on your arms
i hope you see me everywhere
still standing next to your reflection
in the mirror, where we took
all those pictures, kissing, smiling,
i hope you remember
i hope your sheets
still smell like my perfume
your bedroom is a record player
the only track is my voice
echos of my laugh still trapped in the walls
the polaroids of me
you hid in a box under your bed
i hope they're still there
and if you threw them away
i hope they keep coming back
keep reappearing in your mind
i hope you hold on to the pieces
of myself i left behind
i hope they're like shards of glass
i hope you can't let go
i hope you ache like i ache

i loved something cruel
and it killed me
i don't know why i expected
anything else

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