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I nice long chapter to make up for my mean cliff hanger before💜

Have a nice day ☺️

Ants POV

I couldn't help the feeling of Déjà vu as slowly, I came round. My head throbbed as I tried to open my eyes against the stabbing rays of light.

Tiredly I pulled at my hands, my eyes snapped open when I felt bonds around my wrists. I fought and struggled against them, all in vein, they remained tightly clasped around my bruising flesh.

"Ah Look who's awake, maybe we will get some fun in before the boss man gets here." Through the mess of my thick dark locks, which hung over my face, my eyes looked up to glare at three men. One of them I recognised as the dickhead who knocked me out.

"Where the fuck am I?" I growled, seriously not in the mood for any of their shit.

"Woah some one ought to teach you some manners kid." Laughed the leader.

"Say's you idiots. Now Let me go and I'll forget all about this." They just laughed, I knew they were never gonna let me go but I couldn't show them my fear. As far as I was concerned the time they spent talking to me what more time they spent not hitting me.

It was the chubby one who spoke up this time,"Fat chance," Oh the irony, "you'se in deep shit with boss man ' 'n' he'll pay lots of pounds for your ass." I smirked, they really are thick, that's not how Simon operates, fair trade for him has never been on the agenda.

"Well then where the hell is he? I don't think I can be in a room with this much stupid any longer."

"Why you little peice of-" My body was instantly braced for impact when the leader of the idiot-brigade grabbed my collar and pulled me as far as possible against my bonds, his fist raged ready to strike.

"I wouldn't damage your end of the deal kiniski." My eyes flicked over to where Simon Cowell walked into the room, followed by two very large looking guards. I'd much rather take the punch right about now.

The guy shoved me back into the chair and walked over to greet the boss. He offered his hand but Simon only looked at it like a disease, awkwardly the man put his hand back down and coughed nervously. Simons eyes turned to me and we started an unspoken staring contest, well... he was staring, emotionlessly as always and I was glaring at him.

"You three can go now." The two, more cowardly (or perhaps just smarter but I doubted by much)  men started making their way to the door but Kiniski didn't seem to take the hint.

"Well, with all due respect...there is the tiny matter to our payment sir."

"You're payment is me not killing you for hurting him."

"But sir we thought-"

"Dont think, it's clearly not your strong point. One more fucking word out of you and your friends will be scrapping your brains off the wall." Kiniski gulped audibly and nodded before scarpering out the door with his tails between his legs. He was soon followed by Simons guards, leaving just the two of us. Simon pulled up a chair to face me and slouched, I could feel his stare and it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, but I kept my head down.

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