Chapter 03

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King Gwafa was in his throne room. Night had fallen on the beautiful kingdom and it was cold, thus thicker clothes were needed now. Here inside the throne room it was warm though as several large cauldrons burned bright. There were more than fifty people having small gathering in different parts of the room.

The Throne of gold and ivory stood against the rear wall of the throne room. It was 7ft high and 3ft wide. That of the queen was not as high, but it was wider; 5ft wide to be precise. The room was two stories high, one less than the grand foyer outside it. The walls were designed with printed draping, weapons and drawings. Sofas lined the side of the walls to the left and right and a red rug ran down the middle of the room, from the door, to the thrones. The cauldrons of fire lined the sides of the rug.

Queen Kahima was up in her room. She practically ruled from there these days. Gwafa was in the room, but not on his throne. He stood in the largest of the small gatherings in the room. To his left hand side his left stood Prince Aksil; his and Lunja's younger brother.

Aksil was twenty-one years of age and quite the handsome man. His skin was just a few shades lighter than Gwafa's and his hair was full, bouncy and curly like that of a pure Semite, unlike Gwafa's which was curly, but low as he'd taken from his Negroid side. Aksil stood at 5ft 10" with an athletic build and sharp features that beautified him greatly.

At Aksil's other side stood Chi-Chi, a full grown, female cheetah. Chi-Chi had a collar of leather and gold around her neck, marking her as property of the Prince.

The prince and king were not discussing anything of importance today. They were just chatting with nobles and wealthy men and women of Kalari and cups of wine in their hands showed the mood they were in.

"I was at a Roman party with my father once," the king was saying. "Aksil was there also, but he was barely three years old at the time. I met this Roman girl who was just about my age. I wanted her and she wanted a king. See, Europeans are quite fascinated by us we who rule in the deserts. They wonder how we can survive in such a place and I told her I was going to show her, but not the way she imagined."

The other men around burst into laughter at their king's dirty joke. The few women around were not too comfortable with it and Aksil took notice.

"I admit I did not do anything with her in the end though," Gwafa continued. "She was not royalty and their nobility does not count as high among us."

"In simple words, she was not worthy of him thus nothing happened," Aksil stated and the entire crowd burst into laughter.

The doors to the room suddenly swung open and Princess Lunja stormed in with three maids in tow. They followed her when she was in the palace, but not outside.

The princess truly lived up to her name; "Fantasy Princess" She was so white she seemed to glow. Her shiny hair fell down her back and the white, formfitting dress she had on showed the silhouette of her slender figure. Her white shawl around her shoulders and blew behind her like wings. She definitely caught everyone's attention whenever she stepped into a room even though right now she was without any footwear.

"Lunja," Aksil murmured. Chi-Chi bolted from her master's side.

The cheetah come to Lunja and rubbed her side against the princess' legs.

"Brother Gwafa?!" the princess yelled, looking around.

The crowd around the prince and king stepped aside so their sister could s them and them, her. Lunja ran to her older brother and fell to her knees before him.

"Lalai," she said, bowing her head.

Her maids came forward and knelt behind her. "Enukal," they said first. "Shalau," they said next. Enukal; 'King'. Shalau; 'Prince'.

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