Chapter 04

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The next morning and Aksil was seated on the front steps of the palace. At his side sat a beautiful, young, ebony-dark lady with long hair which she had cut at the shoulders. She was dressed in a red, cotton tunic with golden strips along it. The golden rings on her fingers were more than ten in number and the blue-black paint on her lips made her look even more beautiful.

"You look worried, Aksil," the lady said, looking at the prince.

"I am worried, Magani," the prince admitted.

"Your sister again?"

"Yes, ma'isha," he replied, turning to her and stroking her face. 'Ma'isha' was the word used when referring to a female lover.

"I hate seeing you like this, Aksil." She sounded very concerned.

"Well she is my sister and I will always be concerned for her welfare. She came into the palace yesterday and Gwafa would not ask her to rise from greeting him. People were in the throne room and it was such an embarrassment for her, but Gwafa did not care. How can someone hate their own blood like that?"

"I feel for Lunja too, but what can we really do?" Magani asked.

"I wish I knew what to do."

"Let us forget our worries for now and think about our wedding," Magani suggested, smiling now.

"Wedding," Aksil said, smiling also. "It will be big; Gwafa promised me that much."

"Romans, Persians, Egyptians, Ghanaians, Malians and even the Songhai emperor will be in attendance," the lady said, very excited.

"The Songhai," Aksil murmured. "I am not sure I want them here? I fear any move they make inside Kalari is one which will soon see them crush and conquer us."

"You cannot worry about that, Aksil. We beat the Songhai before and if they try again, we will beat them again."

"I hate war because it is uncertain. I only want war when it is a necessity."

The lady rose to her feet and stood before him, bending over and placing her hands on his shoulders. "Aksil, we are betrothed. You worry too much about everyone else. I wonder if you will be able to make out time for me when we are married."

"Oh I will certainly make out time for this," the prince said, reaching out and placing his hands on her hips.

"Stop that!" she complained, slapping his hand away and looking around, embarrassed.

Aksil laughed at the lady's embarrassment. He grabbed her and pulled her down onto his laps.

"Aksil, someone will see us!" she complained, trying to get away from him, but he held her in his laps and laughed.

"Aksil, your mother could come out, or your brother. Aksil, the guards are watching!"

The prince let go of the lady and she rose to her feet. He looked back at the guards before the front doors.

"Did you see anything?" he asked.

"Not all, Shalua!' one of them said with a grin.

"The sun is hot out here and we could have imagined anything, Shalua," said another.

All four guards were laughing sheepishly. They'd seen many, but they would not embarrass their 'Shalau' and his betrothed. Shalau being the Kalarian word for 'Prince.'

"See, Magani, they saw nothing," Aksil looked forward at his lady once more.

"I should report you to your mother," the lady threatened.

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