Chapter 4: 2 Weeks Later

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We were finally going on a recon mission and honestly, it was actually pretty exciting! We were on a space carrier, in our new room with the 3 guys that I'm with. They were doing their own thing. Lato was usually doing his usual exercise to keep himself in shape, James was tinkering with his laser rifle and Oswald was on his tablet looking for answers towards this universe. While I stared into space through that big glass window.

Oswald: "Isn't that a sight to behold?"

Alex: "Huh...oh is."

Oswald: "Something on your mind?"

Alex: "Nothing for you to worry about."

Oswald: "Okay, whatever floats your boat."

We were suddenly interrupted when the door towards our room opened up. It was 2 of Gavin's squad where I first met at in the mess hall, Xavier and Lint.

Xavier: "Lato, James get ready,!"

Oswald: "Huh what's going on!?"

Lint: "Preparations for a Reconnaissance."

I thought all of us were going on a recon mission, I guess Gavin was trying to exclude Oswald and I.

Lato: "Wait...why only the two of us and why exclude Alex and Oswald!?"

Xavier: "Gavin's orders."

James: "Some authoritive figure pfft."

Xavier: "I'll ignore that little sassy remark and Lato don't keep him waiting.

As I saw both Xavier and Lint leave the room, Lato was pissed off. He went out of our the room without saying a word, I tried to go after him, but James intervene by putting his hand on my shoulder.

James: "Don't. You should let him cool down on his own."

Alex: "Alright..."

Oswald: "Hey uhhh I gotta go somewhere to..ya know get some fresh air? Alright see ya!"

Oswald quickly walked out of the room and down the steel corridors on the ship.

Alex: "Uhhh what just happened?"

James: "Don't ask."

Alex: "You don't mind if I leave for a few minutes?"

James: "I could care less on where you're going."

Without a second thought I sped through the door and into the corridors of the ship. I then went to the girl's room where Kara and Abigail were at. I knocked on their door and Kara welcomed me into the girls room.

Kara: "Hey Alex, what brings you towards this fine establishment?"

Alex: "What establishment?"

Kara: "Nevermind, anyways what are you doing here?"

Alex: "Giving you gals a visit and where's Abigail?"

Kara: "Don't know, but she was eager to leave that's for sure!" *chuckles*

I had a feeling that both Abigail and Oswald had something for each other, but I wasn't exactly sure. I was immediately greeted by no other than Sarah the girl from the mess hall with the guys 2 weeks ago.

Sarah: "Hey, so how long are you going to be sticking around?"

Alex: "Not very long but if you don't want me here I could alwa-."

Sarah: "Hey no rush! Hang out as long as you like!"

Alex: "Thanks."

Sarah: "I'll leave you 2 to it, I gotta meet up with Gavin so see ya!"

Sarah left the room and the door immediately closed. I then looked at Kara who was studying medicine on her computer and taking notes. I haven't asked on what was her life like before she joined up. I haven't had the time and energy to since we were training on becoming better, stronger and to survive if we're ever on the front lines. No time like the present so I asked.

Alex: "Umm..."

Kara: "Yes? Is there something you need?"

Alex: "If you don't mind me asking, what was your life like before you joined up?"

Kara: "I was an ordinary girl and I've decided to join up and help with the wounded in the future."

She was still on the computer studying and taking notes. I could tell by looking at her that it has not always been the case with her body language.

Alex: "There's more to it... isn't there?"

She stopped on what she was doing and looked at me. The room was silent and Kara had the look of despair and hopelessness.

Alex: "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

Kara: "I-It's okay! It's just..."

She took a moment and took a deep breath and looked right into my eyes.

Kara: "I wasn't living the kind of life like people normally do. I lived with my dad and my little brother who was 10. We were abused by our dad so we ran away. After a few months we were homeless and my little brother was severely sick. I-I had no idea on how to treat him and I didn't have any medical supplies! I could do nothing but watch him die in my arms!"

She was tearing up from all of this so I tried to calm her down.

Alex: "It's's okay. You don't have to say anything."

Kara: "I made a promise to myself to by getting as much medical training as possible and to never make that same mistake that befell on my little brother. That's my promise."

She then gave me a hug and I just stood there not knowing on what to do.

Kara: "Thank you Alex."

Alex: "Hey...we're all in this together alright?."

We then heard two people entering  the room.

Abigail: "You got that right!"

Oswald: "Abigail why are we- oh hi guys! Are we interrupting something?"

Alex: "No, but I wonder why you two are together?"

Oswald: "No reason."

Abigail: "Me and Oswald were on a walk, that's all nothing too serious."

Yep, they are something, but I was not going to pry any further since it's their business, not mine. Both Oswald and Abigail left us alone between Kara and I. Then I heard Oswald shouting to see if we're coming.

Oswald: "You guys coming!?"

Alex: "Yeah in a bit!"

Kara was smiling giving me thr signal to follow along.

Kara: "Don't keep them waiting."

Alex: "Aren't you coming too?"

Kara: "I got to stay and tend the wounded, go now you don't want to miss some action do ya?"

I left the room heading towards where the space ships were at and I boarded one of the dropships where Gavin's squad and himself were at. Gavin then announced towards me and his squad.

Gavin: "Alright everyone, it may be a recon mission, but keep in mind, we're heading into hostile territory! I'm looking at you Loche!"

Loche: "Awww maan."

I just remembered, the wounded Kara mentioned was the last recon team that barely made it back with only 2 guys. I honestly hope that we can come back in one piece.

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