Chapter 21: Contained

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Kara POV

We finally made it to the camp ankd it was not a very pretty sight.

Lato: "Hey, looks like we're here..."

Loche: "Looks like I'm not going to be eating good for a while."

Xavier: "Good! It should make you lose some weight."

I was not in the mood for jokes like that in a time like this.

Kara: "Are you two seriously joking while there are people suffering here!?"

I was a little furious, but Lato calmed me down by patting on my back playfully.

Lato: "Hey, chill out a little bit no need to go crazy on them.

In a situation that we're in, he was right. I calmed down and he showed me his makeshift knife. Well a shiv basically.

Lato: "Just in case if we get into trouble."

Xavier: "Yes...shank them all to death! It'll totally work!"

Loche: "My faith in you has-"

Before anyone of us could react we heard a knock on the metal door of our prison carrier.

We all saw the door lowered down immediately and a Zaturrian with a helmet that looked like one of the Lord Commander's soldiers telling us to get out.

We all exited out of the prison carrier out in the rain where I could only see light but barely since there was some fog blocking the view.

???: "Alright, I knœw that you're all new here ænd you better liísten!"

The prison guards shoved us into a formation where they were trying to seperate both men and the women for inspection.

While they were shoving me where tht women are, it wasn't just the fighters. There were families too.

???: "I am te "Commissioner". Weélcome to Zalbvurt, your neéw home!"

I quietly repeated the word0 in confusion about Zalbvurt and the Zaturrian that operates the camp.

With everything going on, I saw the women and children in despair. I couldn't understand a wear that they were saying since they were speaking a different language towards one an-other.

A zaturrian girl spoke to english in a how do you describe it? A frenchish like accent?

???: "A paært of the Infinity Guard?"

I looked behind me and there she was, a roughed up gal with some beauty left in her.

Kara: "Who are you?"

???: "Ząlifa, but riíght now pay atteéntion."

After she told me to pay attention to the Commissioner, I saw a man with a higher ranking uniform. The one that the guys described. Just by looking at him, he's a professional killer.

Commissoner: "Dare! What briíngs yoų to Zalbvurt!?"

Dare: "I heard news that captured Infinity Guards were going to be here."

Commissioner: "You heéard well and as ýou ordeéred, we cheécked every iņch and cranny for weéapons."

Dare: "Buut! Did you double check?"

Comissioner: "Well...theére was no need siínce they didn't-"

Crap they were going to double check and Lato has a hidden weapon!

What was he thinking that idiot! With all the outcomes of what's going to happen to Lato, Zalifa spoke to me if any of us brought any hidden weapons.

Zalifa: "Tid that Ventreéxian bring a shiv?"

When I heard her asked that question if Lato had a shiv or not baffled me.

Kara: "How did you know?"

Zalifa: "The way he looks and acts and I can see the bump on where he's hiding it."

I almost burst out laughing because I thought she was referring to Lato's crotch. She explained at the side of his pants that's where it was hidden.

Zalifa: "That shiv in his leéft pocket."

While I was listening on what she's saying I saw Dare slowly approaching Lato.

I was real worried about him since I'm not sure how capable this Dare guy was.

Zalifa: "Is your ventreéxian friend capable of taæking him down?"

Kara: "Why? You fought with Dare before?"

Zalifa: "Dare? That's that devil's name? And yeés heè's not to be tŕifled with."

Before I know it, it was almost an instant when Lato attacked Dare with quick slashes but Dare quickly put him down with a quick jab at the right of Lato's face which made him fell and grabbing the shiv that Lato had.

Dare: "You almost got me there. *chuckles* But come on! I thought you could do better!"

Dare grabbed his laser pistol and he was about to finish off Lato.

Zalifa: "Thæt poor fool. Heé should of-"

Before Zalifa could finish her sentence I sprinted towards Dare to stop him from pulling the trigger. I grabbed onto his hand with him firing one laser bolt almost hitting Lato's face about a few inches to the right.

He immediately slapped me on the right side of my with his pistol which made me fall towards the ground with a bruise on my face.

Xavier and Loche: "KARA!!"

Dare started to point his pistol at two them with an annoyed look.

Dare: "No no no... you don't want to die do you?"

The prison guards were aiming their guns at both Loche and Xavier. I was terrified that is this how we're going to die?

Until Dare ordered them to stand down and told us to get to our designated area. Dare told me to come with him seperating me from the rest of the gang.

Lato's POV

I witnessed Kara being escorted by the zaturrian guards with Dare leading ahead in a complex building.

Loche: "You alright?"

Loche pulled me up back onto my feet.

Lato: "Yeah...I'm okay..I'm okay."

Loche: "You sure? He almost killed you."

Xavier: "What the hell were you thinking!?"

Lato: "I don't know! It was reflex!"

Xavier: "That reflex could of gotten all of us killed!"

I was too focused on arguing with Xavier that I did not notice that Loche was asking where our commanding officer was.

Loche: "Crap! Did you guys see the commander anywhere!? Look someone's approaching us!"

Both Xavier and I turned towards the general direction on where Loche was pointing at.

Now I got the idea and that girl was walking toward us with a sassy expression on her face.

???: "Looks like you cœuldn't beæt a maniac waving his gun around venteéxian."

Lato: "And who might you be?"

I gave a smirk and a sarcastic tone.

Zalifa: "Zalifa and I am te læder of the ZatŲrriæn Resistænce."

Lato: "Wha what?"

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