Chapter 8: Wrong Choice

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Alex POV

I was getting on edge with the whole thing going on with this "Stevil" character that we're following. I don't know, I thought Gavin was smarter than that to follow some suspicious guy with 4 eye balls floating around his head. I see a large door up ahead. It looked like one of those doors that were used during the ancient times but yet modern.

Stevil: "The one you seek is behind those doors..."

Gavin: "Yeah...thanks..."

We reached the giant door that I was about to open until I had a feeling that I had to make a choice.

Xavier: * snickers* "I bet behind those doors are zargon slugs."

Loche: "I hate those things!"

Xavier: "Whaat, because they're bigger than you?"

Loche: "Well yeah and those things are digusting!!"

While those 2 were messing around, I was too busy staring at that huge door deciding whether we should leave or not.

Gavin: "Hard decision ain't it?"

Alex: "W-what?"

Gavin: "You're afraid to make that decision huh?"

Alex: "How do you know?"

Gavin: "I've been there before, well not this place if you get what I mean?"

Alex: "I get it, but I don't know..."

Gavin: "It's your call."

I stepped closer towards that door and I inhaled and exhaled. I then slowly opened the door and meet with a sight of a man all alone on his desk, with a green overcoat. He was smiling but not in a way where it's genuine happiness. It was a creepy smile.

???: "Lookie here, a bunch of Infinity Guards." *chuckles*

Gavin: "What do you want?"

???: "What I want is the dominos to fall."

We all aimed our guns on that guy. He wasn't phased by that and he just kept on smiling with his hands up.

Gavin: "Now tell me who you are or you're going to be filled with holes!"

???: "If you insist, my name is Dare."

Gavin: "Dare huh? Why're you called that?"

Dare: "Because I can do what the other commanders can't."

Gavin: "What others can't?"

Dare: "By killing without hesitation."

Gavin: "Heh good thing we're aiming our guns on ya."

Dare: "Now tell me, what's your name?"

Gavin: "You don't have the authority to ask questions!"

Dare: "That'll change in a second."

We were suddenly surrounded by The Lord Commander's soldiers that came from the doors we entered in.

Dare: "Now, I'm the one asking questions here. Now, What's your name again?"

Gavin: "Gavin and this is the Domino Squad."

Dare: *laughs* "Really!?"

One of Dare's soldier gave him his pistol and aimed it towards Gavin.

Dare: "Once I knock the one domino down, the rest will tumble until there's nothing left to fall on."

Gavin signaled the rest of us to get down and used his smoke grenade to create cover for us. Lasers were flying through thr air everywhere and luckly we got out of that room, but Gavin was hit from the back and through his chest.

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