Chapter 4: Investigation

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Sherlock was still puzzling over this case. "Where did she live?" Sherlock suddenly asked one of the ballerinas as she packed up her makeup and costumes in the dressing room.

"Somewhere in London. I know she's been staying at her parents' house while we're traveling here."

"So this was a hometown performance. Interesting." Sherlock gathered his thoughts again. "Can you give me an address?"

"No. You'll have to talk to Mr. Stravinsky, our director. He has all that information."

"You're not from around here," Sherlock noticed. "Your accent, it's American."

"Yeah, 'cause I'm an American." She smiled. "I was good friends with Emily, though. Do you think you'll be able to find her?"

Sherlock sighed, pitying the poor humans and their smallish brain capacity, thinking they could lie to him. "I see right through you. Don't try to lie. You and Emily, you've had a few rows. One was so bad that the director had to get involved. All of that I can tell from the look in your eyes, who knows what I could find out with an item." Sherlock leaned towards the dancer. "And I always find what I'm looking for."

The blonde backed off. John apologized once Sherlock had left, then followed after him. "Where are we going?" he asked.

"The Montgomery's, of course."

Mr. Stravinsky was found backstage, talking to the man in charge of the lights, working out a few issues Stravinsky had noticed during the performance.

"Mr. Stravinsky, hi," Sherlock interrupted, stepping between the two.

"Are you here about Emily? Good, she's a valuable dancer, I would hate to lose her."

"Did I say I would take the case?" Sherlock asked abruptly. "No, I didn't, but, if your were wondering, yes, I do! Sherlock Holmes."

"OK then," Stravinsky replied rather hesitantly."That's good. You'll be rewarded largely if you find her."

"Oh, no need," Sherlock said. "I'm just here to prove my point. In order to do that, I need some information, Mr. Stravinsky. What is her parents' address?"

"They live on the north side of London. I believe their address is 267 North 298 West. Does that help, Mr. Holmes?"

"Yes, yes it does." Sherlock turned abruptly and left.

John lingered, then whispered to Stravinsky, "Send the money to John Watson. We could use it to help pay his bills."

Mr. Stravinsky just watched in wonder as the two ran off. "What an odd couple!" he remarked, and the lights guy just nodded.

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