Dance to the Music

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Asher POV


I never knew that Becca was so good at dance. She definitely never let on, but that's about to change.

"Dad," I say, walking into his office.

"Yes, Asher," He replies.

"I'd like to know if I could do a dance off with someone today."

"Of course, but who?"

"I'd rather not say just make sure you're there at lunch when it happens."

"Alright, it's been a while since you've asked."

"It's been a while since I've seen someone who can dance."

"Okay," I leave, and go to class. I see her already there, sitting in the same corner she always does, "Hey,"

"Hey," Becca replies.

"Saturday was amazing."

"Yeah, it felt good to dance again."

"Speaking of, I set up a dance off today."

"With whom?"


"No, no, and no, I knew it was a bad idea to dance with you."

"That wouldn't have covered up your talent. Now that I know I want everyone else to know."

"I can't, I won't."

"It's not an option if you are challenged you must accept. By the way, it's during lunch."

Becca POV

"It's not an option if you are challenged you must accept. By the way, it's during lunch." Asher says. I can't believe he's making me do this.

"Fine, seeing as I don't have much choice, I'll just kick your butt and hopefully you'll leave me alone." I state.

"Okay, I'm going to warm up." He gets up and walks over to the barre.

At lunch, I sit at my usual table, alone, but I don't eat my food because I'm too nervous about the dance off.

"Students, I have an announcement." Mr. Carlton says. I know what's coming, and I'm dreading it, "Today there will be a dance-off..."

"You ready," Asher whispers in my ear.

"I don't have a choice." He grabs my hand and drags me to the middle of the cafeteria.

"... Between Asher Carlton and Rebecca Evans?" Mr. Carlton finishes, glancing at Asher and I. Obviously, he's surprised. He  makes his way out of the circle of people that have gathered to watch.

"Josh!" Asher shouts to his friend, I guess to start the music. The music begins, and I stand with my arms folded. Asher starts dancing, but I can't bring myself to do it, not with all the people watching. I start shaking my head, "What are you afraid of?"

"The truth,"

"Fear is weakness, you got this, or I could kick your ass." It was at that moment that I remembered what my mom said. Also, I remembered how much dance means to me, so I started to dance. We kept dancing back and forth mostly goofing off, but near the end Asher grabbed my waist. I knew what was next. He lifted me, and I wrapped one leg around him and extended the other one into the air. I held it there for a minute, staring into Asher's deer, brown eyes. I kick away, and he puts me back down as the song comes to an end. Our faces are inches apart, and we are both breathing heavily.

"I hate you," I say, and he chuckles.

"I know, but I'm not sorry" We break apart, and everyone just stares.

"Usually, the decision of who won the dance off is up to the other students, but, today I would like to judge." Mr. Carlton says from the balcony, "Becca's technique was fantastic, so I have to say she is the winner." I look at Asher, and he smiles. I hurry out of the cafeteria, freaking out. I lean against the wall, and I let myself fall to the ground. I find myself sitting on the floor with my head in my hands.

"You know Asher likes you." Mr. Carlton says, sitting next to me.

"I don't want him to." I reply, hostilely.

"What do you want?"

"I want my mom to come back."

"You can't change what happened."

"Things just haven't been the same since that night."

"Changes happen for the better."

"I don't see how,"

"Haven't you talked to your friends about this?" I laugh lightly.

"I don't have friends."

"Now, I'm pretty sure everyone in this school wants you to be their friend from that little performance."

"I don't even know why I danced."

"You know exactly why, you just won't accept it." He gets up, and helps me up, "You better get to class."   

I walk to my next class and sit, like I always do. Everyone smiles and waves to me the rest of the day, treating me a lot nicer than before. I'm so glad when the final bell rings, but not because I want to go home. I stick around until everyone else is gone, and go into an empty studio. I plug in my iPod and play my dance playlist. I needed to think through today, and dancing always helps me clear my head. 

I mess around for about an hour, but, before I leave, I practice the piece my mom and I were working on before she died. After I finish, I ride my skateboard home.

Asher POV

After everyone has left the school, I hear music. I walk the corridors until I find where it's coming from. I go into the viewing room and see her, dancing. It's beautiful the way she moves. I run to my dad's office.

"Dad, come look at something." I say, out of breath. He follows me as we make our way back to the room where Becca is. We stand together as we watch. She finishes and leaves, but my dad and I stay.

"I have an idea." He says after a while.

"What's that?"

"You'll see."

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