waking up

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in the morning, they were asleep.

candid was the first to wake up, he was back to being a puppet and he looked at his hands. His gaze soon went to Elian. the puppet maker  was asleep on candid's chest. the puppet huged his creator, waking him.

"mmh...hurts" Elian letted out in a sleepy tone.

"sorry for that" candid replied. Elian jolted in surprise and looked at candid.

"wha- how- wh-" Elian letted out not knowing what to say. then suddenly his cheeks were covered by a bright yellow blush.

"i-it w-wasn't a dr-dream..." he mumbled as he tried to hide his face. candid only chuckkled at his creator reaction.

Elian just putted at him as the puppet leaved it's creator's bed.

Elian and Candide - undertale puppet maker auWhere stories live. Discover now