1. Honest Confession

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* Hi so I make reference to a woman named Terri, she's my aunt that passed just about a year ago in 2018*

Can I make an honest confession

This isn't an obsession

I must confess

Many won't have access

What what's inside

Though I try not to hide

What's in my heart

Death isn't fun

It makes me want to run

But in the end I drop

I cry, with no intent to stop

I can't control the tears

They seem to go for many years

But some feel dry

If I could only talk

If I could only walk

With my grandma again

It wouldn't be in vain

She made me feel love

Even from above

She's there

I would pay to see grandpa in the end

Maybe he'll be right around the bend

I'll get to hug him once more

There will be tears galore

I haven't seen him in a while

I hope I've made him smile

At least once

I miss Terri

She never made me feel fury

She was gone too soon

She's in Heaven singing a tune

She's always there

She always made me feel that she cares

Even when she didn't agree. 

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