Am I really safe?

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Tonight as I lay in bed

Covered in a blanket, resting my head.

Kiss me,

Hug me,

Tell me you love me,

Tomorrow isn't promised, and today was a test.

Today as I go to school,

As we part ways,

I'll follow the rules

You'll follow what your boss says.

Reassure me,

Protect me,

Tell me I matter.

I may not make it home,

Or you'll be left to roam.

As I look outside at night.

Guard me,

Embrace me,

Because I may not be safe.

Even as the sun shines,

Even as grass grows,

I may not make it until dawn.

Now as I write this poem,

I'm not alone,

But I'm still afraid.

I'm scared of being killed.

Even if it's not by an intruder,

It could be someone I know.






Embrace me

Because tomorrow is not promised,

And today could be my last. 

Poetry from my heartWhere stories live. Discover now