5. Cultural Heritage

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From our father we received our Scottish and Irish lineage. On my 16th birthday, Ray's mother, Myrtle, presented me with a tam, a broad Scottish cap, bearing the Duncan clan's tartan, blue and green with stripes of red, black, and white.  She said that through her we had the right to wear the Scottish plaid. "Your clan is Duncan, the family Hensen."

Ray gave me his tall frame. Everyone else got Marion's small genes, but I got the tall ones. This gave me long legs for ballet, but also made me about three inches too tall to be comfortably partnered by the short men of the Boston Ballet Company.  But I never regretted having a lanky frame.

I also inherited his curly hair, which I called a "bad hair life" until I eventually realized that a half-way decent stylist could give me a really nice look, à la Jane Fonda.

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