[The Black Bulls]

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" No! I'm not done! " Asta said, while yelling and trying to run into the fire. But he gets blasted again by another explosion.

"Asta! " I said, running to him and helping him up. At the same time, I heard a boy screaming from the hideout. I walk in and see a boy with a lean build and multi-colored hair, light grey at the top, and black on the sides.
The boy yells" Okay, now I'm really mad! You ready to take me on!? "
I look over to my right and see another boy, cute with blue eyes and medium-length,  messy blond hair. His hair is long enough to cover both his ears and forehead.

The blond haired boy yells back " Nope, not really! But let's go! "
The blond hair boy says cheerfully. I couldn't help but blush at his cuteness. The multi-colored hair boy started hitting fire balls with a fire baseball bat at the blond boy and yelled out ' Die! ' while the blond boy was just giggling the whole time and avoiding being hit. I look over more to my right to see a pink haired girl that looked drunk and is just wearing a bra and a pear of underwear.
She groans and says " Why's it so loud in here?? Ugh, I should've skipped those extra drinks. My head is killing me. "

I look around me now and saw a girl eating a lot of sweats on a dinning room table.

A guy looking at a mirror and saying " Oh, precious, perfect little Marie. My dear sister. My love. "
Then he took his attention to look at the boys that are still fighting with eachother. He started yelling at them to stay quiet because his sister is trying to sleep. There was also a big guy that seems to have smoke coming out of his mouth without even having a cigarette in his mouth.

Finral walked up next to me and said " Looks like they're at it again. " while Gordon just says " Here we go. "
I look over at Asta to see him take a step in and yell out ' I'm Asta from Hage Village! I'm a Black Bull now, too! Someday, I'm gonna become the Wizard King! ' But none of them heard him. All I could hear was more yelling. The blond boy yelling out ' That Flan you were saving was super tasty! ', the multi-colored boy yelling back ' Good, because that's the last thing you'll ever eat! ', the sister lover yelling back at them saying " Come on, give it a rest, you idiots! You're going to wake up my sister with all the noise you're making, damn it! " and the drunk one yelling at the sister lover saying " Ugh, get over it, you freaky sister-lover! " I also noticed that the girl that was eating sweats now getting more by a walking sheep with a baker hat on.

" You stole from me! My flan! Mine! "
The multi-colored hair boy said and hitting more fire balls at the blond boy, while the blond boy is laughing and flying off in the air. If I had to be honest, I kind of just wanted to watch more of this madness and see where it goes. The drunk one calls the multi-colored hair boy a virgin street punk while he calls her a drunk woman. The blond boy, and just releasing he has lightning magic, gets his friends attention back by saying he might get him first with his magic. Looking around the hideout again, the sweat eating lover girl is still eating. Sister love guy is now more mad and has his Grimoire out to take the other two boys down. But, before anything else could happen, Captain Yami yells out " All right. I've had enough of this. Quit breaking stuff, already!! " while destroying the entire door with his bear hand.
Asta yelled out " Ah, man Now it's way broken! " The others stopped doing what they were doing and looked at Yami. They all ran to him and started yelling out ' Captain!! ' while crushing me and Asta right below their feet. They were just chattering and chattering to him.

Multi-colored boy said " How was it?? Did you find us a arrogant newbie?? I can take 'em down a notch or two-- " but then got pushed away by the blond boy.
" Please sir! Can I go against you today?? Come on. Don't hold back! "
He said while making fist punches and smiling. The drunk girl then grabbed Yami's face.
" Now, now. Forget all about these little brats. Wouldn't you rather come out for a drink with me?? "
Then the little sweat eating lover girl hold a cupcake to Yami.
" Hey, hey! Try this! It really is good. Take a big bite. Go on! "
As she shoved the cupcake in front of him. The Sister lover was now in front of Yami with a blank face.
" I'm sorry. I can't take it anymore. May I please go see my sister?? "
And the big guy is just grunting.

[Lightning boy and Water/Ice girl]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя