[The Other New Recruit]

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After me and Asta talked with some of the other members, Magna wanted to take us to our new rooms.

" Here it is. Your room, Asta. Dank, huh?? Not to mention oppressively cramped and filthy. " Magna said and started laughing. " You should see mine. It's twice this siz-- " Asta just turned around and his face started to light up with joy.

" My room! No way! "

" Wait, you're actually happy? "

" this is the first time I've ever had a space of my own! Back at the church,  everyone crammed into one room! We were all lined up like sardines! "

Asta went inside of his room and got a dust rag out of nowhere and started dusting the room.

" So long, dust! "

Then he got a towel and a bucket of water out of nowhere and started cleaning the floor.

" Dirt and grime, get outta here! "

Then used another towel to clean the windows as he started laughing.

" See ya, cobwebs! "

Magna and Me just giggled at this

" Go on, scrub all ya want. We're free till the next mission, anyway. " Magna said and started laughing. " Oh, hey, one more thing Asta. "

" Yeah, what's up?? "

" Make sure you take some time to write. The folks back at the church deserve a letter. They're you're family, right?? So, they'll want to know that you're okay "

" Right! "

" you can't go making anyone worry. That's what bein' a real man is all about. Later. Just hit me up if you need anything. " Magna said to Asta as me and Magna started walking off.

" Will do! Thanks, Magna. " Asta said as he bowed down. I giggled and said " Night Asta! " as I walked away with Magna.

After a few minutes, me and Magna finally made it to my room. When he opened the door, I noticed that there were two other doors next to my room. Maybe I have some members that are my next door neighbor.

" Well, here's your room! Like I said, kind of filthy and a dunk. More space though. " I looked around my room and started thinking of ideas of wear to put my stuff. I already had my backpack and some stuff I brought in a magic item I use to hold big stuff that I can't fit in bags.

I turned to Magna and said " Thanks. Also, I seem to notice that there are two other rooms next to mine. Do I have any of you guys next to my room?? Or they just empty rooms for new members?? "

" Oh, the room to your left is a new member of ours that came a few days ago. The room to your right is Luck's room. "

I started to think of the lightning boy, Luck Voltia. Something about him made me want to just squeeze him to death and never leave his grasp. He was just so adorable!

" What's with the red face?? Are you already crushing on the crazy battle freak?? " Magna said while smirking at me. I didn't even realize that I was blushing!

" W-What!? N...No! No I'm not! "

" Yeah right, your totally crushing on him! And on the first night here! "

" Am not! "

" Are too! "

" Am not! "

" Are too! "

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