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"Mmmm..." Silver groaned, sitting up.

He then looked at the scenery of a garden around him.

"Where...... am I?" He asked himself.


Silver then turned to his left to see his friends, Shadow and Sonic, waking up.


"And by 'I', you mean 'we'?" Shadow corrected Silver.

"Ugh... my head. Nice going there, Shadow." Sonic said, rubbing his head as they all got up to their feet before Shadow got in front of Sonic with a glare of annoyance.

"How could THIS be my fault?!"

"You're the one who..." Sonic trailed off when he saw Silver staring off into the distance.

They then realized that there was a young gray wolf lying on the ground, unconscious.

"HEY!" Silver shouted, running to help the wolf.

Silver then gently raised it's head a bit so he could see who was talking.

"Kid! Hey! Kid, speak to me!" Silver said.

The wolf coughed a few times as Sonic and Shadow made their way over to see if he was alright.

'Such an odd pair of glasses...' Sonic thought, looking at some discarded glasses on the grass.

"Feeling any better?" Silver asked.

"-Cough! Cough!- Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." The wolf replied.

"Your... glasses." Silver said, picking up the kid's glasses and gently placed it on his nose.

The wolf smiled when his glasses were back on.

"Oh, thank... you." The wolf said, his words going dull when he realized who his saviors were.

"Ah... you okay, kid?" Silver asked, noticing his shocked expression.

The wolf gasped in shock before screaming and running off a few feet ahead of them but they were still in earshot. Sonic, Shadow and Silver all covered their ears for protection.


"Well, that was unpleasant." Silver said as the screaming slowly died down.

They all took their hands off their ears and looked at each other.

"What's the matter with him?" Sonic asked.

"Beats me." Silver and Shadow replied.

"-panic- Oh my god! Oh my god! I've really gone and done it this time! -amaze- Not that I expected but it DID! I can't believe that it actually worked! I am a GENIUS!"

But soon the wolf slowly fall to his knees and looked at the grass in despair.

"A genius who is going to be DEADMEAT."

"Now he's talking to himself." Silver said with a sweatdrop, listening to the kid's rambling.

"I think he hit his head too hard then." Sonic added with a sweatdrop as well as Shadow.

"Okay, okay. Calm down, Trails. Stay calm and hide them well and fix the machine ASAP!" The wolf sighed before continuing talking.

"-sigh- Good that sounds like a plan. That'll do it. Now let's-OWW!"

The wolf then turned around only to bump into a black hedgehog with red streaks that seemed like fire at the tips and fall to the ground. He had a third eye and was wearing a long black robe with gold chains on them. The wolf quickly stood up when he realized who it was.

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