The Encounter

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Meanwhile in Mobius, at the Hedgehog Household in New Mobotropolis, Bernadette, the mother of Sonic, wondered what Sonic could be doing right now and was looking worried while drying another plate was seen cleaning the dishes before letting out a sigh.

Bernadette: I wonder what Sonic is doing right now.

Jules, the father of Sonic, looked up to stare at his wife with a raised digital eyebrow from reading a newspaper reminded her as he last saw his son using Chaos Control with Shadow and Silver to go back to the future before putting it down and walked towards her as she agreed but was a little concern since she saw what Shadow was capable of.

Jules: Bernie, Sonic is just going to send Silver back to his world.  

Bernadette: Yes, well, good for Silver. But with Shadow too? Neo walkers know what those three are capable of.

Jules tried to ease her worry but she wasn't convince.  

Jules: Bernie, I don't believe they will harm our son especially.  

Bernadette turned to look at her husband in disbelief as she can clearly remembered the times that the two hedgehogs nearly caused their son's life. Jules then tried to reassure her that Sonic already forgave them and if they weren't friends before, they weren't enemies. Bernadette sighed seeing that Jules does have a point but they will have to get through her if they ever try to hurt Sonic again.  

Bernadette: You don't think so? Remember the times that they nearly caused Sonic his life?  

Jules: And yet Sonic forgave them in the end. Even if they're not friends, they are presently their enemies.  

Bernadette: ... I suppose you're right, but they will have to get through me if they ever try to hurt my baby boy again!  

The sound of the front door caught Jules' attention before they turned and saw that it was Charles or Chuck, the uncle of Sonic along with Nicole, a Al Guardian and a member of the F.F. {Freedom Fighters} as they came in with rather nervous expressions.  

Jules: Charles? Nicole? What is going on?  

Nicole then told them that Sally asked her to escort them to the HQ which confused the parents but worried them.  

Nicole: Sally wants me to take all of you to Freedom Fighters HQ.  

Jules then came forward, asking Nicole what was happening. Nicole hesitated by saying that there was a bit of a complication but they will soon see when they get there.  

Jules: What's happening?  

Nicole: There's... a little complication. You will see when we get there.  

Bernadette then hurried over, asking if it was Sonic and wanted to know if he is okay. Nicole then assured her that everything will be explained when they reach the headquarters.  

Bernadette: Is it Sonic?! Is he alright?!

Nicole: Mrs. Hedgehog, all will be explained when I take you to the headquarters.  

Nicole then turned to Charles as she remembered that Sally asked her for something. Charles then asked what it was as Nicole told him that Sally asked him to bring a plate of Chilidogs.  

Nicole: Oh, and Sir Charles?  

Charles: Yes?  

Nicole: Sally also asked for you to bring a plate of Chilidogs.  

At the Freedom Fighters HQ or F.F HQ for short, Sally was crouched down in front of a desk of a moniter as she tried to make the three come out as two of them whimpered in fear as Tails then came in.  

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