How Great is Time Travel?

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(Hogwarts: 1977) Third Person POV
Albus and Scorpius were having the best time ever. They'd spend every morning sleeping in, together.

Then they'd have a nice morning shower together. After which they'd have a house elf bring them "brunch."

They'd spend a few hours chilling in their room. Mostly talking and cuddling. Sometimes cuddling would lead to kissing. And most of the time kissing would lead to something else.

The Marauders and even sometimes Lily and her Gryffindor friends, took to eating lunch in the common room while chatting with James and them.

They'd spend the next few hours until dinner in the common room with James playing games like Would You Rather and Never Have I Ever.

Usually they had dinner in the common room by themselves. After dinner they'd retreat to their room and more often then not made frequent use of silencing spells.

Let's just say they were very glad when James II had started sleeping in James' old bed a few days after everyone had gotten there.

They weren't the only ones having fun tho. James would join Remus, Sirius, and Peter on their pranking stakeouts.

Sleep until at least noon every day. And flirt with every girl in 6/7th year that looked his way.

And he was having a great time getting to know his grandparents. It was also great to play those games with his brother and Scorpius, no matter how much he felt like a third wheel.

(The Burrow: 1986) Still Third Person
Frank spent most of his time alone in the room he was sharing with Charlie, sad and longing to hold his fiance.

The only time he got cheered up was when Charlie and Bill would play Quidditch in the back yard and he could give them pointers.

Teddy was having fun for the most part. He enjoyed entertaining the kids with his metamorphmagus abilities. He did get sad anytime he thought of his parents though. Both were alive in this time and he wasn't allowed to see them.

Fred would spend time with the twins secretly teaching them pranking advise while making sure they didn't do anything to mean.

Victoire and Hadley were both stuck in Ginny's room. Ginny absolutely adored them, she had them wrapped around her finger. This means they were pretty much stuck playing dress up and such whenever she asked. Not that they minded. Both girls were older sisters, used to this kind of thing.

Plus both of them had grown up with a mix of brothers and sisters. They couldn't imagine being the only girl with six brothers.

Part 2 either later today or tomorrow.

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