Guys like them will be cool in college...

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So, BMC is ending today..I will hate August 11th forever. So I'd like to say goodbye, even though I never got to see it in real life.

Will- omg! At first I was worried about how you would be Jeremy, but you really lived up to the role. Loser Geek Whatever became one of my favorite songs! You played a amazing role and I hope the best for you!

George- thank you so much for coming back! It wouldn't be Be More Chill without you! Your singing of MitB always gets me and I will truly miss it! You'll do great in little shop!

Jason T- when I first listened to the new soundtrack I wasn't the biggest fan of SQUIP, but now I love your version of it! Your a great singer and an awesome pill!

Stephanie- Your version of Christine is adorable! The one in the book seems slutty and gross, but musical Christine is just plain adorable and I love her! Hope you have more amazing play rehearsals!

Gerard- You set a fire in my heart and it will never go away! Rich is amazing and that's all because of you! The hospital scene at the end is iconic, and I love it! Thank you so much!

Lauren&Katelyn- You are one of my favorite duos, i ship Brooke and Chloe so much and I love it! You 2 are so sassy and I love it! Thank you!

Britton- man, you are so talented! You have a heck of a future ahead of you with that voice! Thank you!

Tiffany- Like Britton, you are so talented! I love you so much! You are such a mood! Love you and thank you!

Jason S- You are great! Your voice is great, and your daughter is adorable! Thank you!

Swings- You are all amazing and great! Love you all!

Crew- Thank you all, without you, BMC probably wouldn't have gone on Broadway! Love you all!

Joe- Thank you for making such an iconic musical!! Love you so much!!


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