Taiyaki's (Pt1)

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It was a hot summer day in Japan, with people getting out and getting involved in different activities. For you, you stayed inside in your cooling apartment, staying out of the hot sun. You were an Introvert after the accident with the bank robbery. Besides, going outside made you feel uneasy, but you knew you needed to go out and get yourself a job to pay rent. You've been living off your parents since then.

At the time, you were searching online to find a place for you to be that wasn't too much for you to handle. 

Soon, you came across a school looking for a school secretary. Perfect! that will fit you well, you think it will. Secretary's just do paperwork and set up appointments for the teachers, it can't be that hard, right? 

Feeling your head go into a debate whether to apply or not for the school. It took you a moment to decide. In the end, you apply for the job. You felt nervous, but you knew you'd be okay, all you had to do was think positively.

"I can do this, I know I can," you said, lifting your hand to run your fingers through your hair with a soft sigh. Feeling so nervous over something so simple.

"Just think positively, that's all I have to do. Maybe I won't get in, no biggy. I'll just do my best." you spoke proudly with a smile painted on your face. 

Getting up from the couch, you headed over to the bedroom to grab some casual clothing to put on after a nice relaxing shower. Grabbing some grey-shorts with a loose T-shirt, heading over to the bathroom, and set your clothing down on the counter. Turning on the shower as you take off the pajamas you had on, stepping into the shower, inhaling and exhaling as it felt relaxing.

After the shower, you went over to your small kitchen to make some tea, even though it was 80 Degrees out, you didn't care. Once you got the hot cup of tea you walked back over to the living room and sat down, placing the cup on the coffee table while you crossed your legs. Grabbing the laptop, and sat it back on your lap, opening it up, and went to find something entertaining to watch while you sat at home.

A couple of hours passed, you were passed out on the couch, lightly snoring in your slumber. Not long after, there was a knock at your door, making you jolt up as the laptop slipped off you're lap and fell onto the floor, cursing to yourself.

"Coming!"  You called out, Getting up from the couch, bending down to pick up the laptop, and set it on the coffee table in front of you. You hoped you didn't  break it anymore they you have already. perhaps a new laptop was in order when you had the money to do so.

Dusting off, you walked over to the front door, inhaling calmly as you opened the door. At first, you didn't see anyone but looking down you saw the one person you've known for a while, as well as trusted, Gran Torino.  

"Ah, Sorahiko

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"Ah, Sorahiko. what are you doing here?" you asked, surprised by the unexpected visit as you let the man in.

"Just stopping by for a visit, nothing else more," Sorahiko said, his eyes resting upon your taller figure, he was happy to see you after so long.

Of course, you didn't believe him, placing a hand on your hip and lifted a brow. You always knew the man was up to no good when he came around these parts, but you would indulge yourself.

"Sure you are, I'll make you some tea," you paused. 

"And some Taiyaki if you would like." you laugh lightly, knowing it was the mans favorite after all, and you enjoyed making it for the old coot.

Sorahiko nodded with a smug grin while he followed you to the kitchen. Grabbing a few things for making Taiyaki's with a smirk. 

"Tell me why you're here besides getting free food." you said, getting started on the Taiyaki's as well as some fresh brewed Tea.

Sorahiko sighed while you were making the tea, (Y/n) could always see right past him.

"You've been nothing but lazy, (Y/n). You need to get out before I force you myself." Sorahiko demanded, crossing his arms.

"I'm fine Sorahiko, really. Besides, I'm getting a job so my parents won't need to financially support me as much as they do now." you said, scratching the back of your neck as you end up getting whacked on the head with his stick. 

"Ah! what was that for!" you said confused, rubbing the spot where he hit.

"I mean getting out of this apartment, going for a walk or come visit me so you can make me some fresh Taiyaki's," Sorahiko spoke, he was worried for (Y/n) and their mental state.

You understood where he was coming from, he let out a light sigh, and give the old geezer the tea, Sorahiko thanked you as you smile. 

"Of course I'll come to visit you, I'm not that much of an introvert. It's just-" 

Sorahiko hit you in the head once more before you could finish. 

"No excuses, (Y/n)." 

You let out a soft groan, you knew Sorahiko was serious about it. Getting out would be good for you, mentally, physically and emotionally. 

"Okay, okay. Now please let me finish making some Taiyaki's for us," you spoke, Tornio left you to finish and went into the living room. 

Time passed by as you finished up making the Taiyaki's for the both of you. Putting two on a plate for Sorahiko and one for you. Taking the plates and went over to the living room. 

Sorahiko noticed you right away, and with his quirk, he swiftly took them all out of your hands, and went back onto the couch with a happy smile on his face. You couldn't help but laugh with a smile. 

"It seems someone missed my homemade Taiyaki's," you said, giggling once more, and sitting down next to the old man with a soft sigh.

If you had to be honest with yourself, It was nice to have company once in a while. Even if it was with an old coot like him. Still, you enjoyed the rest of the day with Sorahiko, talking and catching up on life.

((Heya reader, as you can see I did a restart on this story, it's still somewhat the same for now. Just that I fixed up mistakes and errors when I first wrote this. Even so, I hope you enjoyed the first part even if it isn't too exciting. Stay tuned in for more!!)) 

Lover's Interest- (EraserHead X Present Mic X All Might X Reader!) BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now