road trip part 8

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Hayden's pov
I saw my ex gf Tegan, idk why I dated her but she cheated on me and yea
H) babe
A) yea
H) Tegan's here
A) what!!!
H) ik let's go before she sees us
A) k
H) hey we're gonna leave
K) why
A) I'm feeling sick
K) ok
H) call when you want us to pick you guys up
Jh) k
We left and went in the car and drove to the hotel
A) why did Tegan and you break up
H) umm she cheated on me then 1 year passed and me and you got together
A) wow
H) yep but I'm happy with you and I'm happy me and her broke up
A) why
H) cause I met you
A) * smiles* I love you
H) I love you to

Annie's pov
We arrived and Hayden picked me up and we went to our rooms
He put me down and I changed into one of Hayden's t- shirts and sweats with Hayden's hoodie Hayden changed into just sweats with no shirt
I laid down on the bed and Hayden laud down next to me
He wrapped his arms around my waist, I laid my head on his chest hugging him
H) Ready to leave and have a 7 hour drive
A) no but what time we waking up
H) well around 4 or 5 am so charge your phone
A) k want me to charge your phone
H) sure
He hands me his phone and I charged our phones
I laid back down next to Hayden, he put his hands on my stomach
H) I can't wait to meet her/him
A) ik me to
H) you hungry
A) yep
H) want to go to chick-fl-a
A) sure
We got our shoes and Hayden put a shirt with his hoodie
Then we went in the car and he drove to chick-fl-a
We got there and we ordered and went to our table
I went on my phone while Hayden looked at me
A) what
H) nothing
A) ok
H) when do you want the wedding
A) how about the day we started dating April 9
H) ok that's about 6 months
A) yep, who's your best man
H) oh Johnny , your maid of honor
A) Hayley
H) nice
A) yea anyways we need to do the baby's room maybe we can have it next to our room
H) sure that works
H) who you texting
A) your mom
H) why
A) she wants to throw a gender reveal party, should I say yes?
H) yea that sound fun
A) ok
Then we got our food and started eating while I was eating Hayden's phone blew up and it was in my pocket I grabbed it and it was unknown
He answered it
H) hello
?) Hi babe
H) I'm sorry I have a fiance who are you
?) ......

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